I agree with Danny so much on what he is saying, I do believe scripture clearly spells these things out. The thing I feel is important not to lose sight of is that God is so far beyond us, we can never fully understand the full scope of things until He shows us, but we live in time/space, and to us, from our perspectives, we do "choose", but I believe even that choice was a gift, He grants us repentance as well. Then takes a riffraff played out broken fool like me, transforms me overnight, changes my priorities, desires, even some habits, then as sovereign over all uses me for His purposes, and to me, from my perspective, I am 100% willing to and seeking to spread this truth, I "choose" to. It's beyond amazing, and I praise our God in Jesus name!
I am thankful for my state of mind when I was granted this repentance, because for me it kind of blows the "we choose" thing out of the water, at least for me personally. That said I know it's a personal thing and for many doesn't happen like this. At the time I was granted this repentance I was totally broken, I was done, It was after 2 full years of wanting to die, uncontrollable suicidal thoughts every 5 minutes for 2 years, I had no hope left at all. I had called myself Christian for around 5 years before, I thought I knew what that meant, so I wasn't "seeking further". I repeated the prayer, was dunked underwater, and declared save, yet I did not know Him. After the lose of all function in my right arm I cracked completely. When I hit my knees I knew that modern medicine couldn't help me, "science" couldn't help me, God if I ever truly believed in Him, if He was real and could help, He wasn't, and worst of all (really the best part, but I didn't see it then) was that I had no control at all and was powerless to do anything to "fix" my problem. When I hit my knees it wasn't "God help me", or "Jesus I need you now", it was just "I can't do this anymore". I hit my knees broken, balling, blubbering, got up went to sleep, and by His will, by His grace, Through His Son, for His glory I woke up new, through NO work of my own, so I have no reason to boast. Praise the name of Jesus!
The main point I wanted to make with this post was that when we think about and discuss this subject, we can't lose sight of the fact that we are in time/space and God works within all realms in ways we can't even begin to comprehend. Do I think God chose me? Yes, but if anyone thinks that gives me anything to "boast about" or brag about they're wrong, all it means to me is I am now reconciled to the God that created me and in my complete overwhelming gratitude, and by my new heart guide by His Spirit, I am now to go make disciples of all nations, and I want everyone to know the truth of our great God. Man I love our God and Savior Jesus!!!