and you also have experts that say the exact opposite, for some reason these "experts" never agree with each other.
but lets say there are these gay animals, where are they? i never seen one. not saying i know more than the next guy but i have some experience in this area, my family is native american, we farmed, had animal, hunted and fished. i have spent the greater part of my life outdoors and never seen this, i have spent much time with other outdoors people and they have never seen it.
one male animal mounting another is not homosexual behavior. in the animal world you might have 50 males fighting over one female, one male wins, the others get left out with all those hormones built up, so what happens to those other males, the same thing that happens to most men in a prison. its called losing control of your hormones, not homosexual.
Years ago, and I use to have this filed in a favorites file but can't find it at the moment, a member of the APA = American Psychiatric Association, was so offended at the future edit to arrive in the forthcoming publication of the DSM = Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, that they published the letter that informed members of the future edit concerning homosexuality and body dysmorphic disorder, i.e. transgender, to the Net.
In a nutshell, APA had decided to edit the phraseology concerning the two mental disorders. Homosexuality and Body Dysmorphic Disorder, so as to avoid saying outright as had been the case in prior DSM's that they were mental health disorders. And instead were going to word the diagnostic entry under each heading to say the same thing but in flowery language so as to offset the very obvious fact the "former" disorders were still to appear in a manual describing mental disorders.
And why this was to be done? The strong activist movement from the LGBTQ community and their supporters had arrived at a point of soft terrorism. I.E. death threats toward members of the APA and the board itself.
It's really not something a professional mental health organization needs to articulate though is it? Though of course they do and that's a good thing even though there are now states adopting laws against what is called, "conversion therapy". And any language that alludes to homosexuality and body dysmorphic disorder being a mental health concern.
Homosexual sex just by the "mechanics" involved is ab-normal. Regardless of one's stance on Evolution, one of its tenets, the survival of the species, is valid. And that survival would never be accomplished in the homo-sexual model.
Body dysmorphic disorder is without question a mental health disorder. To have a healthy male or female body and feel detached from that gender identity is a mental health issue. But to play God with surgical assist so as to de-form that body and mutilate it to become other is, for surgeons, malpractice.
It's so bad now, this idea we have to tolerate all mental illness as having equal right to exist among us and display, that people are "coming out" claiming they're animals on the inside! And insisting on being addressed by others as such . While that afflicted person proceeds to be surgically altered to fit their ideal inner creature.
It's like Sodom and Gomorrah with all its sins has been resurrected and the sins compounded.
Thank God we've got Jesus. It makes for an interesting ride rather than a terrifying future.