They have? Then why do they Not have faith God will keep his promises?
I disagree, they are spitting on grace of God. saying it is no sufficient, That the gift we recieve by grace can be lost (whatever means that grace is lost does not matter)
Again, yes they have, they do not teach the same gospel I teach. we both can not be right.
Jesus said he will never lose us, That whoever has faith in him will NEVER die Live FOREVER, HAS eternal life, has passed from death to life, WILL be risen on the last day and as long as jesus lives, they will live also. God said he has perfected FOREVER those who are BEING sanctified. Paul said we have eternal life the moment we believed, not only this but the seal f the spirit as a pledge. He also said we have been given EVERY spiitual blessing which is in Christ, that we have been justified completly. John said we can KNOW we have eternal life (not might have) and by this FACT continue to believe. That once we are adopted. we can no longer live in sin (unbelief is a sin, continuing in unbelief is living in sin) and that those who once procliamed to be part of the church, and now of their free will all of a sudden deny Christ, they were never saved to being with. that those who have true faith would NEVER chose to freely leave (why would they?)
How can we claim to have faith in God. yet not believe these things are facts?
I can not get how you can say they do
I disagree, they are spitting on grace of God. saying it is no sufficient, That the gift we recieve by grace can be lost (whatever means that grace is lost does not matter)
Again, yes they have, they do not teach the same gospel I teach. we both can not be right.
Jesus said he will never lose us, That whoever has faith in him will NEVER die Live FOREVER, HAS eternal life, has passed from death to life, WILL be risen on the last day and as long as jesus lives, they will live also. God said he has perfected FOREVER those who are BEING sanctified. Paul said we have eternal life the moment we believed, not only this but the seal f the spirit as a pledge. He also said we have been given EVERY spiitual blessing which is in Christ, that we have been justified completly. John said we can KNOW we have eternal life (not might have) and by this FACT continue to believe. That once we are adopted. we can no longer live in sin (unbelief is a sin, continuing in unbelief is living in sin) and that those who once procliamed to be part of the church, and now of their free will all of a sudden deny Christ, they were never saved to being with. that those who have true faith would NEVER chose to freely leave (why would they?)
How can we claim to have faith in God. yet not believe these things are facts?
I can not get how you can say they do
See, you project an attitude when you say they are 'spitting in the face of God' which I do not see. They are usually quite concerned of offending God.
The gospel is believe on the Lord Jesus Christ. Do you want to add to it?
I believe completley in eternal security. But that is not a required doctrine to believe in order to be saved. One comes to that conclusion, or not, through future studies.
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