Hidy ho everybody what a way to start a day. @Deade @Magenta I'm sorry about my behavior last night. I have allowed myself to become impulsive, staying up late, skipping meals and becoming obsessive about anything including recovery does not make Good recovery. I was wrong and I admit it. It is a new and yesterday was the past now and praise the Lord! I did a fresh restart and I will see what happens. A good nights sleep always helps me think clearer. I just forgot the 4 too's. Don't let your self get too tired, too angry, too hungry or too lonely Well thanks to my family and friends here on Christian Chat you have been my life preservers 
so praise the Lord again. Lock & load I've got my gun, a Zondervan red letter NIV with dictionary concordance etc. I may get a Thompson Chain reference for Christmas if Uncle Santa dosn't falter. Let's be jammin'
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