I see Einstein worship...all the time. Why do you think the MSM props him up? They need a front man for what they are selling. And what they are selling is not Christ.
Einsten is simply a launching pad for the BB, pantheism, you name it.
But beyond that....Einstein is wrong. Dead wrong. Plenty more where he came from.
Don't you appreciate what a rare genius Einstein was? It's not just anybody that can steal/plagerize other's work, flunk math exams and still pass himself off as brilliant physicist. Of course we should give credit where credit is due, he had help. His fame was launched by media, and cramed down our throats as part of the big deception being constructed, which you've alluded to.
If anybody would research any single aspect of the man, realize it is possible that the god of this world is leading us down a path of lies....? But nah, we're much too content with our cognitive dissonance to actually do our own research, too full of pride to think we've been deceived. (especially if we have written books or have logged many hours up on a pulpit).