Grace has to be the one of the most used yet least understood terms of the Bible. Most evangelicals will immediately spout out ," the unmerited favor of God", but this is a vapid understanding. Yes it is an unmerited favor from God but it's so much more that I think this term cheapens the depth of what Grace truley is.
If I see you drop something so I pick it up and give it back to you, that is also an unmerited favor.
So what is the truth of Grace? I definitely it like this; the real presence of God via the Holy spirit patiently and actively teaching and leading us through life directing our path and tempering us with trials, providing our needs, correcting our failures, and moving circumstances in our lives to perfect us, and prepare us for when we meet God face to face. This is holy God condescending to directly mentor us into what we shall all one day be.
If I see you drop something so I pick it up and give it back to you, that is also an unmerited favor.
So what is the truth of Grace? I definitely it like this; the real presence of God via the Holy spirit patiently and actively teaching and leading us through life directing our path and tempering us with trials, providing our needs, correcting our failures, and moving circumstances in our lives to perfect us, and prepare us for when we meet God face to face. This is holy God condescending to directly mentor us into what we shall all one day be.