Wow... look at y'all trying so hard to invent ways to block people from learning just because you believe you know it for a facts, and who knows maybe you do not know everything, and you may be missing the other half of the truth that y'all have ignored.
This is why we need to take the whole bible seriously, and we cannot just cherry pick, and if we only accept half of the Bible then we're living in half truth, and not full truth.
There is 1,000 place in the Bible that says we cannot know everything the problem is people are ignorant, and doesn't want to believe in that, and we are a worm, we are an ants, and we're nothing in comparison to God, and we cannot understand God it's impossible, and Christians act like they are God, and are better than God, and act like they know everything which is very disturbing.
O ye worms become wise, and realize that you're a worm, and stop acting so high, and mighty we are nothing you maggots of the earth.