You ask extremely well and by your responses, you show that you truly are looking for truth that completes the entire picture. "You shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free". I'll do my best to satisfy what you ask and I don't through truth and G-d's word, then my words are just "rubbish". For everything that is true is revealed by the Word of G-d:
- Jesus in the Gospels speaks to the audience of Jews (not Gentiles) for the most part. In regard to many of the Biblical Torah Commandments, only Jews are obligated to keep and to this day, maintain the Torah. Now before anyone jumps to " you want to sacrifice animals comment", there are 613 Biblical Mitzvot and there are great details that you will clearly and only see within the Hebrew of the Text ("not one jot (yud) or tittle (stroke/nikkud - vowel point) shall pass from the Torah, UNTIL heaven and earth pass"). So for example, many mitzvot like "tithing", "sanctifying the new moon", "korban offerings/animal sacrifices" or many more, CANNOT be fulfilled because there is no Temple, no High Priest and no Priesthood.
- Now Gentiles, are NOT required or obligated to hold the Torah because the Torah was a covenant a "marriage" given between G-d and the Children of Israel at Mount Sinai. This is why the epistles of Paul (which are primarily geared towards Gentiles and unfortunately very unrighteous Jews "at that time"), argues that the "Judaizers" were wrong in pushing a Brit Milah (circumcision) on Gentiles. Now Gentiles (although not 100% stated), should follow the Noachide Laws (7 Laws G-d gave to the entire world during the time of Adam & Noah and the Laws that are a covenant between G-d and all of humanity). How do we know there are 7? You will find them even without the Oral Torah in the book of Genesis and even better if you know Hebrew and the "tenses" and words it uses at particular times. Further evidence is Acts 15:20-21 where Paul gives 3 of 7 of the Noachide Laws "to start with".
- Now, there was no "church" or Christian organization (as we classify it today) in the time of Jesus or even for 300 years until the time of Constantine and the "Catholic Church" and "Christian Doctrines". What do I mean? The Greek word for a community that is used in the NT is just "Ekklesia" which means community. A community in the time of Jesus was clearly held within a Synagogue ("Synagoga in Greek), where Jews are the "Spiritual Leaders" and they would TEACH the Law of Moshe (The written and oral Torah) because the Torah = Perfect = Life = Answers to the Entire World = Yeshua and anyone who diminishes this perfect word and states that this is not beneficial for ALL of humanity, is either ignorant, not with G-d, or just lost and needs guidance (if humble and open to truth). For example, the Torah can teach us morals, a reason for life, philosophy, creation and much more ("for nothing is new under the sun"). Still, this DOES NOT make a Gentile Obligated to the LAWS in the Torah. I agree 100%. With this in mind, Christians who are Gentiles are not obligated to the laws but both Jesus and Paul make it clear that Jews are the ones in charge with "Spirituality" and Gentiles are obligated to "physical things". Just read the Torah or Tanakh, always when Gentiles were submissive, they were welcome into the camp of Israel, but they did "PHYSICAL WORK", not making various theologies and so forth. (note: this would mean, Gentiles are NOT obligated to hold to Shabbat, but they can certainly enjoy and bask in it as best as they can, for Shabbat is a "taste of heaven" and a statement that G-d made the world).
- Finally, Oral Torah is mandatory for anyone to even remotely understand the "HOW" to complete the commandments. Example, how to "remember or honour the Shabbat"? What constitutes as stealing? (i.e. can we steal time while texting at work or stealing ones time?) How do I build a "sukkah" (booth) during Sukkot?, What part of the sun going down constitutes as the line for a "new day"? Or to put this even further, if Yeshua/Jesus was against the Torah, then why would he practice "Chanukah"/Festival of Lights (John 10:20)? Jews TODAY recite the "Haftarah"/Tanakh passage" on Shabbat and Yeshua did the same thing when reciting Isaiah. Where did Jesus and Jews know to recite "Hallel" and way "Lulav's/Palm Branches" during Sukkot? Why did Yeshua know that Circumcision is greater and permitted on Shabbat? (John 7)? You won't find ONE answer to these in the written Torah alone. These are just clues and questions to get you to understand the power of the Oral Torah andddd why Yeshua said, "Listen to those who sit in the seat of Moshe" and not "gentile leaders"...
I truly pray I made this understandable, unbiased (by providing truth and passages) and more importantly, I ASK YOU to challenge these points if you feel they are wrong, but challenge it only with the Word of G-d and not opinions or "feelings". Through this, you will elevate your understanding. For in Judaism, Judaism ENCOURAGES challenging even the highest of "authorities" in order to get to a deeper level of "truth" or understanding, because truth in relativity to humans is "finite" but REAL truth is "infinite" because G-d is INFINITE!!!
I hope that makes sense!
G-d Bless Your Soul!
- Jesus in the Gospels speaks to the audience of Jews (not Gentiles) for the most part. In regard to many of the Biblical Torah Commandments, only Jews are obligated to keep and to this day, maintain the Torah. Now before anyone jumps to " you want to sacrifice animals comment", there are 613 Biblical Mitzvot and there are great details that you will clearly and only see within the Hebrew of the Text ("not one jot (yud) or tittle (stroke/nikkud - vowel point) shall pass from the Torah, UNTIL heaven and earth pass"). So for example, many mitzvot like "tithing", "sanctifying the new moon", "korban offerings/animal sacrifices" or many more, CANNOT be fulfilled because there is no Temple, no High Priest and no Priesthood.
- Now Gentiles, are NOT required or obligated to hold the Torah because the Torah was a covenant a "marriage" given between G-d and the Children of Israel at Mount Sinai. This is why the epistles of Paul (which are primarily geared towards Gentiles and unfortunately very unrighteous Jews "at that time"), argues that the "Judaizers" were wrong in pushing a Brit Milah (circumcision) on Gentiles. Now Gentiles (although not 100% stated), should follow the Noachide Laws (7 Laws G-d gave to the entire world during the time of Adam & Noah and the Laws that are a covenant between G-d and all of humanity). How do we know there are 7? You will find them even without the Oral Torah in the book of Genesis and even better if you know Hebrew and the "tenses" and words it uses at particular times. Further evidence is Acts 15:20-21 where Paul gives 3 of 7 of the Noachide Laws "to start with".
- Now, there was no "church" or Christian organization (as we classify it today) in the time of Jesus or even for 300 years until the time of Constantine and the "Catholic Church" and "Christian Doctrines". What do I mean? The Greek word for a community that is used in the NT is just "Ekklesia" which means community. A community in the time of Jesus was clearly held within a Synagogue ("Synagoga in Greek), where Jews are the "Spiritual Leaders" and they would TEACH the Law of Moshe (The written and oral Torah) because the Torah = Perfect = Life = Answers to the Entire World = Yeshua and anyone who diminishes this perfect word and states that this is not beneficial for ALL of humanity, is either ignorant, not with G-d, or just lost and needs guidance (if humble and open to truth). For example, the Torah can teach us morals, a reason for life, philosophy, creation and much more ("for nothing is new under the sun"). Still, this DOES NOT make a Gentile Obligated to the LAWS in the Torah. I agree 100%. With this in mind, Christians who are Gentiles are not obligated to the laws but both Jesus and Paul make it clear that Jews are the ones in charge with "Spirituality" and Gentiles are obligated to "physical things". Just read the Torah or Tanakh, always when Gentiles were submissive, they were welcome into the camp of Israel, but they did "PHYSICAL WORK", not making various theologies and so forth. (note: this would mean, Gentiles are NOT obligated to hold to Shabbat, but they can certainly enjoy and bask in it as best as they can, for Shabbat is a "taste of heaven" and a statement that G-d made the world).
- Finally, Oral Torah is mandatory for anyone to even remotely understand the "HOW" to complete the commandments. Example, how to "remember or honour the Shabbat"? What constitutes as stealing? (i.e. can we steal time while texting at work or stealing ones time?) How do I build a "sukkah" (booth) during Sukkot?, What part of the sun going down constitutes as the line for a "new day"? Or to put this even further, if Yeshua/Jesus was against the Torah, then why would he practice "Chanukah"/Festival of Lights (John 10:20)? Jews TODAY recite the "Haftarah"/Tanakh passage" on Shabbat and Yeshua did the same thing when reciting Isaiah. Where did Jesus and Jews know to recite "Hallel" and way "Lulav's/Palm Branches" during Sukkot? Why did Yeshua know that Circumcision is greater and permitted on Shabbat? (John 7)? You won't find ONE answer to these in the written Torah alone. These are just clues and questions to get you to understand the power of the Oral Torah andddd why Yeshua said, "Listen to those who sit in the seat of Moshe" and not "gentile leaders"...
I truly pray I made this understandable, unbiased (by providing truth and passages) and more importantly, I ASK YOU to challenge these points if you feel they are wrong, but challenge it only with the Word of G-d and not opinions or "feelings". Through this, you will elevate your understanding. For in Judaism, Judaism ENCOURAGES challenging even the highest of "authorities" in order to get to a deeper level of "truth" or understanding, because truth in relativity to humans is "finite" but REAL truth is "infinite" because G-d is INFINITE!!!
G-d Bless Your Soul!