I just got told I was acting like ... donkey spelled with an a and 2 s's
I take that as I 'hit a nerve'
the real truth is that too many men do not like women with brains who actually know scripture
Angela gets insulted all the time
be forward and unspoken...stop the lol's (no offense) and see what happens then...and also do not advertise you are on staff
just being realistic. maybe use an alligator or something for your avatar and stop being a polite nice looking woman wanting peace with everyone
well now I've done it. sorry. not sorry. and this is not personal...just what I think is truthful.

men can be very resentful of women. and they do not know what to make of a good looking women with intelligence, education and talent and especially God given gifts
the bottom line for many men is 'put women in their place'
ok...getting off the soapbox now