It was just a joke, no need to get all serious about it.
I find the raw/primitive stuff makes me tense. Even the couple I like I can only handle for so long. So much of it is droning and high pitched. Two things that can irritate me.
The more produced and symphonic sounds are easier for me, but still not a big preference. Though the IDEA of bm sounds great, the reality of it I just can't sonically do.
I'm not sure you got my "ugly" comment in the other thread. Or perhaps you did and just didn't respond. It was a hint though haha.
I find the raw/primitive stuff makes me tense. Even the couple I like I can only handle for so long. So much of it is droning and high pitched. Two things that can irritate me.
The more produced and symphonic sounds are easier for me, but still not a big preference. Though the IDEA of bm sounds great, the reality of it I just can't sonically do.
I'm not sure you got my "ugly" comment in the other thread. Or perhaps you did and just didn't respond. It was a hint though haha.
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