Sooooooo...... here I am again on a christain website. Only this time not as a single girl (which is where/how the Lord brought my husband and myself together) but as a 10+ yrs wife and mom broken, stressed, lonely at times (although with Jesus I am never truly alone,). I'm not here to air dirty laundry nor attack other users. I like a good laugh, heck, even need a few good laughs right now, after all a merry heart doeth good like medicine. I find it easier to let those comments/ jokes go online than in real life ( I mean come on, in real life are we going to throw M&M's at someone who walks in a room as a greeting? or REALLY swing from the chandelier with excitement?) We're not currently in a "church home" (for those who say things along the lines of "talk to your pastors wife" or "get involved in your church") the church is the body of believers, not the swarming crowds of pew warmers and Sunday do gooders. That being said............. I often find it hard to share personal things with just anybody, my group of mom friends, though they be great ladies, is not the place to talk about personal or spiritual issues. I refuse to start a conversation or search for help in a subject that turns into whining and complaining. That being said....... it leads me online where, at least I have the power to overlook/ skip/ ignore comments, and people reading are not very likely to know me or my family, so in a sense I guess it just feels "safer".
Am I rambling? I feel like I'm rambling. I have so much in my head that wants to get out and be said and shared, sometimes putting into words is hard for me, that's why I always liked writing classes in school, because I could get it all out on the paper and go back to organize it (maybe?) later.
Well I did read in a thread on here somewhere earlier today for a woman to join the ladies only group for a topic that should be discussed among women only . That was one reason I signed up for this site. Can anyone tell me how to find it? Is it a private link? I would like to share/ seek help on a very personal wife issue. Like I said before I'm not going to air dirty laundry and do not have a pastors wife or "church friend" to counsel with on this. And I know I am to trust and seek Him always first and foremost, but older women are to counsel younger women, and I could REALLY use some guidance, or at least a loving listening ear that won't turn this into a husband/ man bashing conversation.
Am I rambling? I feel like I'm rambling. I have so much in my head that wants to get out and be said and shared, sometimes putting into words is hard for me, that's why I always liked writing classes in school, because I could get it all out on the paper and go back to organize it (maybe?) later.
Well I did read in a thread on here somewhere earlier today for a woman to join the ladies only group for a topic that should be discussed among women only . That was one reason I signed up for this site. Can anyone tell me how to find it? Is it a private link? I would like to share/ seek help on a very personal wife issue. Like I said before I'm not going to air dirty laundry and do not have a pastors wife or "church friend" to counsel with on this. And I know I am to trust and seek Him always first and foremost, but older women are to counsel younger women, and I could REALLY use some guidance, or at least a loving listening ear that won't turn this into a husband/ man bashing conversation.
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