You said in the beginning of your relationship, he was excited to be with you. And you say he is still now able to engage in intimacy with you, though he does not initiate much. If he were secretly harboring homosexual desires, I don’t believe he’d be able to perform at all. Just my opinion. I don’t think he’s gay.
There are many other reasons to consider: low testosterone, drugs, unforgiveness, anger, stress, depression, PTSD, anxiety, fear, grief, etc. Or perhaps an undiagnosed medical issue is causing him pain, discomfort, embarrassment. Does he seem withdrawn from life? Does he show lack of energy outside of the bedroom? Maybe during your engagement, he got addicted to porn and now can’t perform without it. It could be a passive aggressive move on his part in order to have come semblance of control over his life. Is he embarrassed talking about sex? Perhaps some taboo thought has him distraught or confused and is preventing him from being free with you intimately. Men are just as complex as women in heart matters.
You said you went to counseling but evidently, that counselor was not successful, correct? I would seek out a reputable Christian marital counselor, and go together and separately. I think your husband needs to talk to another man by himself so he can be encouraged and professionally informed about his situation. Unfortunately, crying and getting angry only makes it worse and probably makes him feel sad and guilty.
But know this:
I’m not blaming you, I’d be crying and carrying on, too!

I’m just saying that he needs to get his problem taken care of so he doesn’t keep putting you in such a tormenting state of mind. The Bible says we’re not to withhold love and affection from our spouses because it DOES cause problems and puts us in temptation. It truly needs to be resolved soon as continually withholding sex from your spouse is a form of abandonment. God meant for wives & husbands to have plenty of sex. It’s not a taboo thing, it’s a beautiful gift from the Lord!
My dear sister, I pray in Jesus’ name the Lord give you the sweet and kind words to talk to your husband that he seeks counsel asap. I pray your husband truly knows you love him and want him and that he would desire to have a thrilling, fulfilling relationship with you and that he’d seek professional help.