I understand getting to Heaven is going to be a miracle for the majority of us. I understand that many feel like I do, in that, we will make it by the smallest of margins, literally crawling across the portals of Glory. I understand that perception is important. I understand that appearance is key (except the Robertson/Duck Dynasty/which I have a similar wild and crazy look

). I understand reputation is most important. i understand that one's actions can make or break them.
But when I look at GOD, in the form as a human being called, Yeshua. And I think about the Example Yeshua set for us. I see that PERCEPTION, APPEARANCE, REPUTATION, and ACTIONS literally
did not matter. He stayed with the kinds of people that then and today we get judged by. He chose Disciples, whom some were thought of ill repute and labelled as outcasts. He was blatant, rude, came to bring DIVISION, and spent many moments doing things to irritate the religious societies, he was not polished like Christians try to be today (all dignified and proper, speaking eloquently, practicing the highest standards of etiquette) (God WAS NOTHING like that).
God came to us and He was so DIFFERENT, ODD, STRANGE, that He was judged, mistreated, lied about, and eventually murdered all because He was nothing like the DENOMINATIONS of His day. He represented Nothing that was established other than He was the God of their Fathers (I AM - Burning Bush).
Why do I mention ALL of this?
How are ANY OF YOU so positive about what the Pentecostals and Charismatic do in the presence of God, is actually WRONG and FAKE?
Most Denominations are so DRY BONES and DEAD, you LITERALLY have to be born into a family who already attends there TO EVEN WANT TO VISIT SUCH A GRAVEYARD!!
What IF the Pentecostals and Charismatics are beloved by GOD for being FREE to Worship Him without limits?
What IF God views other Denominations that are DRY BONES like the Pharisees, whom He said were FULL OF DEAD BONES?
THE MAJORITY of OPINIONS and VIEWS, in the days of Yeshua, ended up being WRONG.
What if other Denominations opinions and views are WRONG about the Pentecostals and Charismatics?
You will have WASTED your entire lives serving God in a manner that God ultimately despises!!
In my opinion, the reason WHY the majority of you NEVER lead sinners to God and eventual Salvation, is because YOU really have nothing to offer but a DEAD CHURCH, DEAD SERMON, A DEAD WAY OF LIFE. I think YOU are YELLOW!! As in, afraid to lose your COMFORT ZONE and MAN'S TRADITIONS in order to finally make CONTACT with GOD!! I feel SORRY FOR YOU!! Trapped by what SOMEONE ELSE might
think about you. Trapped by idealisms. Trapped by ignorance. Which ULTIMATELY MEANS, YOU are still trapped by the Adversary and the powers of hell.
Some of you are so PIAS and biased, it's sad but OBVIOUS, you very well might hear God say, I NEVER KNEW YOU, DEPART FROM ME!!
You really NEED to finally wake up and get a CLUE!!