I am happy to share my faith. Jesus said in Matthew 16:18 “I will build MY. church. The church belongs to him. He is the head Colossians 1:18- “and He is the head of the body, the church”. In Acts 2:38 3000 people obeyed the sermon preached by Peter When they asked, “what shall we do?” Peter told them “Repent and be baptized, everyone of you in the name of Jesus Christ and you shall receive the remission of sins. “. In verse 47 he says “. The Lord added to the church those who were being saved”. Simple isn’t it. No one Voted them into the Lord’s church. He added them. It was his church. I have been saved the way they were saved; and all of the people who were saved in that first century. God is no respecter of persons. He doesn’t save one person one way and another person another way. There is just one way and it is the Bible way. Ephesians 4:4 says there is One body (church), one Lord, One Faith one baptism, one Lord. There were no denominations then in the 1st century. So, no, I am not a member of any denomination. The word “ denomination” means “division” and Jesus prayed in the garden for all those who believe in him that “ they may all be ONE, Father as you are in me and I in thee “”John 17:20, 21. Denominational is not what Jesus wanted. And every denomination was started by men, not God. Go to any good reference site and you can easily find your denomination with its history of who started it and when. Any church that was started by man AFTER 1st century is-definitely not the church that Jesus started. The first denomination was the catholic church in 606. Six hundred years after the 1 st century. All of the others came even later after that. The church in the Bible had a simple organization of elders, (also called pastors and bishops), deacons 1 Timothy 3 and Titus 1. Then ministers of the gospel (preachers). And saints (individual members.). I am a member of the church that you read about in the Bible. My plea is for everyone to throw off the denominations with all of their false doctrines and come back to the Bible. Be what they were in the first century—just Christians. You can easily prove what I am saying is true. Just study your Bible. In the parable of the sower Jesus said the “seed” is the word of God ( the Bible). When you plant the “Bible” all you get is a Christian. Do you know what you get when you plant the Baptist Manual? You get a Baptist. When you plant a Methodist discipline, you get a Methodist. When you plant a Book of Mormon you get a Mormon. And on and on. Every denomination has its own creed. I say let’s go back to no creed but the Bible! Let’s do Bible things in Bible ways and call Bible things by Bible names. Let’s go back to the Bible. Throw off the shackles of denominationalism, with their creeds and doctrines of men and be just what the Bible wants you to be. This is what I am. The church of the Bible even had a name in the first century. In Romans 16:16-“ the churches of Christ salute you”.
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