Ohhh Kay.
So, it took me a bit of time to collect my thoughts on this issue. I'm in the same boat as you are except it's not rocking as hard and the waves are relatively calm.
I came to that realization about 3ish years ago but I also had always noticed the energy output and how it "changed" things that I didn't willingly give it up because I was still attracted in a "closeted" kind of way.
I still believed the Lord could work in it or that it was my path/purpose/destiny somehow just because I had a gifting with knowing how a lot of that stuff functioned as well as being able to spot it I felt like it was for me. As well as the amount of time I had already invested in it. The mental resources that were already allocated for that purpose. I still remember films from my childhood, so I know there's quite a bit of nonsense in my mind
The time spent element factors in for most people but this is where I get led to...
Matthew 20:1-16. Not to say you are just coming to know the Lord or anything just that time is not a factor in God's economy in the same way we view it.
Now you could go from there onto eternal rewards/treasure but personally I think that can be shaky ground. I've heard of a good few believers say well...if you sin it's ok because you'll just lose rewards NOT salvation. Sin on purpose is serious business.
Those things suffered a slow death in my life, I kept it in the closet and when I just craved a lie I would dig it out so to speak...I can't say it's completely dead because occasionally I still dream that way.
Now I am at the point where I can hardly conceptualize my attraction/interest in those things. They are lies. The enemy will tantalize you with "secret knowledge" or "hidden manna" (<---that's what it is for me). Energy that the Lord is holding back from me for some reason.
That's where I have to stop and take a spiritual inventory. Is the Lord withholding? Potentially. Then comes the why? Is it possible that I have enlarged my appetite beyond his provision?
I looked for that stuff in films/tv/books. It's there but as an outright lie. When one is seeking truth, those things begin to be unsatisfying.
All it did was awaken a deep hunger (so did other things on the internet) something that legitimately cannot be filled by those things. Which is what makes it so insidious.
I could keep typing for far too long about the subject because it was/is a daily struggle wrapped up in the flesh.
The problem with focusing on this is you can psyche yourself out about it and the mind can be pretty powerful with creating its own fabrications. Imagine when you are scared in the woods and shadows become something else entirely...primal fear of the dark sort of thing.
This is hard for me to speak to because it's "slippery". Personal conversations are a tad easier or IM but know that deliverance is
real and it isn't always "fun" or "smooth". Count the cost of picking up your cross...
So then, if all your hobbies are in error. Get new hobbies? It sounds trite...but there are plenty of things to do that we feel like we don't like to do but if we treat them as a discipline we have a deeper rooted joy in them vs happiness.
There are plenty of scriptures regarding these issues, but depending on "how" you read them I would be careful. Love is patient. If you feel like you can't even catch a breath and feel sucked down into a vortex of swirling emotions...cry out!
Do you like nature? That's an excellent place to start, I would also consider fasting about it.
A useful way for me personally to look at it was...if it's true it will endure in my life. It's not going anywhere so there's no reason not to "shut the door" so to speak. You know where to find it...if a time comes when you can't find it...Praise God, he moved you past it
As always, continue to pray about it. Run to a rock that is higher than yourself.