I do not read all threads. There is not enough time in my day to read every thread. I generally have time to participate in one or two threads at any given time.
uh. ... dog that good memory of mine. gonna get me in trouble again. from your op:
I spent much time in going back into forums on cc to 2008 and forward.
Many many who were once participants here are NO longer with us,I do not know why!
I am not the OP. Leastamongmany started the thread. My first Post in the thread.
It appears to me that the disunity is in doctrinal minutiae. The unity we have as a body of believers is the faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.
minutiae. musta missed that. what page is that on again?
Just about every post in every thread on CC.
We all need to realize that we are all in various stages of development and maturity in the Lord. We also need to realize that we are all members in particular in the body of the Lord Jesus Christ. He is the Head, we are the members of His body, and we all have different functions within the body.
How many of us allow other members to function as God has designed?
here? that would be impossible. remember the church thingy I posted?
If you want me to go back and read something you posted previously, it would help if you let me know the Post number and thread.
Some are called to exhort and gently encourage others. Does that mean the faith he or she has is not genuine? No.
Some are called to apologetics (watchers/defenders). Does that mean the faith he or she has is not genuine, or is somehow different than the one who prefers to encourage? No.
The faith is the same ... the function within the body of Christ is not the same. Both believe God. Both uphold the Word of God. One upholds by defending the gospel. One upholds by supporting and encouraging. God works within each one as He sees fit. We are to be submitted to Him and speak as He directs ... sometimes with what appears to be harsh words and sometimes with what appears to be words which are too soft / gentle.
and how do you see that exactly, since you don't like how some people speak here? see, this is what I am talking about. it's a forum and we get to be members here and post pretty much whatever unless breaking the TOS, but you cannot hold to 'speak as He directs' while telling others they are out of line. which one of you is correct if you are both saying He directed?
I think you have me confused with someone else. Also, you completely missed the point I tried to convey (probably through my ineptness in communicating).
What I am trying to say is that we all need to speak truth but the manner in which we speak may differ.
One member in the body of Christ may be an apologist ... a defender ... and may come across as abrupt or harsh while another member may be more gentle in his or her manner. The point is, as long as each one is speaking the truth of God's Word, we shouldn't be upset about how that truth is communicated. I think those who are "warriors" kind of roll their eyes at the more "gentle" of the flock, wondering who is going to hear the whisper. And the more gentle are kind of frightened by the ferocity of those who are more abrupt / harsh, wondering who is going to listen to thunder.
oh believe me, I don't like being called vile or hateful or nasty or unsaved and all of those have been attributed to me at one time or another and worse than that! someone once told me I was speaking through a demon...no not you Roger...but then she just turned out to be wierd and finally quit.
We all need to grow up. Quit the name-calling and if someone calls us a name recall that we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places (Eph 6:12).
And that is the basis of our fellowship one with another. For some, that may be the only place in which there is unity.
You know, once we are born again, God begins His work within each and every one of us to bring us closer to Him. Some of us submit to Him ... some of us do not submit and we wander away, get lost, and the Shepherd comes and finds us, lays us on His shoulder, and brings us back to the fold.
not everyone here is 'born again' and not everyone here is in agreement with the most basic of doctrine...you cannot be in agreement with what they say
I know not everyone on this forum is born again, sevenseasrekeyed.
And I know that those who are born again are not to agree with any doctrine which is not in alignment with Scripture.
I believe what I posted earlier [ here ] was an example from Acts 18 where Aquila and Priscilla taught the way of God more perfectly to Apollos.
How many of us try to teach someone who has is ignorant (not taught at all) or has been hoodwinked (taught false doctrine)? I think we all do. But how do we teach? Do we call names, browbeat, treat others disrespectfully? Or do we take the time to work with others out of our love for God and respect for those He has called His child? People are blown about through cunning craftiness by false teachers who lie in wait to deceive.
There is a time coming where all this dissension will be wiped away. We will all bask in the Light and see Him face to face.
not before the biggest battle of all time though
So? Just because the "biggest battle of all time" has not happened, does that mean I can behave in a manner that is unbecoming of a child of God and not reap the consequence? (rhetorical question because I know you do not believe this)
uh. ... dog that good memory of mine. gonna get me in trouble again. from your op:
I spent much time in going back into forums on cc to 2008 and forward.
Many many who were once participants here are NO longer with us,I do not know why!
I am not the OP. Leastamongmany started the thread. My first Post in the thread.
It appears to me that the disunity is in doctrinal minutiae. The unity we have as a body of believers is the faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.
minutiae. musta missed that. what page is that on again?
Just about every post in every thread on CC.
We all need to realize that we are all in various stages of development and maturity in the Lord. We also need to realize that we are all members in particular in the body of the Lord Jesus Christ. He is the Head, we are the members of His body, and we all have different functions within the body.
How many of us allow other members to function as God has designed?
here? that would be impossible. remember the church thingy I posted?
If you want me to go back and read something you posted previously, it would help if you let me know the Post number and thread.
Some are called to exhort and gently encourage others. Does that mean the faith he or she has is not genuine? No.
Some are called to apologetics (watchers/defenders). Does that mean the faith he or she has is not genuine, or is somehow different than the one who prefers to encourage? No.
The faith is the same ... the function within the body of Christ is not the same. Both believe God. Both uphold the Word of God. One upholds by defending the gospel. One upholds by supporting and encouraging. God works within each one as He sees fit. We are to be submitted to Him and speak as He directs ... sometimes with what appears to be harsh words and sometimes with what appears to be words which are too soft / gentle.
and how do you see that exactly, since you don't like how some people speak here? see, this is what I am talking about. it's a forum and we get to be members here and post pretty much whatever unless breaking the TOS, but you cannot hold to 'speak as He directs' while telling others they are out of line. which one of you is correct if you are both saying He directed?
I think you have me confused with someone else. Also, you completely missed the point I tried to convey (probably through my ineptness in communicating).
What I am trying to say is that we all need to speak truth but the manner in which we speak may differ.
One member in the body of Christ may be an apologist ... a defender ... and may come across as abrupt or harsh while another member may be more gentle in his or her manner. The point is, as long as each one is speaking the truth of God's Word, we shouldn't be upset about how that truth is communicated. I think those who are "warriors" kind of roll their eyes at the more "gentle" of the flock, wondering who is going to hear the whisper. And the more gentle are kind of frightened by the ferocity of those who are more abrupt / harsh, wondering who is going to listen to thunder.
oh believe me, I don't like being called vile or hateful or nasty or unsaved and all of those have been attributed to me at one time or another and worse than that! someone once told me I was speaking through a demon...no not you Roger...but then she just turned out to be wierd and finally quit.
We all need to grow up. Quit the name-calling and if someone calls us a name recall that we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places (Eph 6:12).
And that is the basis of our fellowship one with another. For some, that may be the only place in which there is unity.
You know, once we are born again, God begins His work within each and every one of us to bring us closer to Him. Some of us submit to Him ... some of us do not submit and we wander away, get lost, and the Shepherd comes and finds us, lays us on His shoulder, and brings us back to the fold.
not everyone here is 'born again' and not everyone here is in agreement with the most basic of doctrine...you cannot be in agreement with what they say
I know not everyone on this forum is born again, sevenseasrekeyed.
And I know that those who are born again are not to agree with any doctrine which is not in alignment with Scripture.
I believe what I posted earlier [ here ] was an example from Acts 18 where Aquila and Priscilla taught the way of God more perfectly to Apollos.
How many of us try to teach someone who has is ignorant (not taught at all) or has been hoodwinked (taught false doctrine)? I think we all do. But how do we teach? Do we call names, browbeat, treat others disrespectfully? Or do we take the time to work with others out of our love for God and respect for those He has called His child? People are blown about through cunning craftiness by false teachers who lie in wait to deceive.
There is a time coming where all this dissension will be wiped away. We will all bask in the Light and see Him face to face.
not before the biggest battle of all time though
So? Just because the "biggest battle of all time" has not happened, does that mean I can behave in a manner that is unbecoming of a child of God and not reap the consequence? (rhetorical question because I know you do not believe this)
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