lets get REAL, we are ALL, each and everyone of us are 'racist',
even if we don't know what it really means...
That is true if we are in the flesh and do not have the Spirit for it cannot be avoided for the flesh wants to exalt itself above other people for that is the way the world operates which we can see plainly.
And we are all in the flesh until we come to God.
Even if it is not in a big way concerning being racist but in little ways it is still racist, and how can it be avoided if we are in the flesh and without the Spirit for we will think that our race is the best.
People find every way they can to exalt themselves above other people and race and nation are the biggest ones.
It cannot be avoided if in the world for people will exalt themselves like they do in every situation.
The world fights over everything they can to prove that they are better, and above each other, and now it is time for the men and women to fight.
It was inevitable, and also children and parents for it was going to happen eventually.
And concerning women's lib, and feminism, that say they want equal rights and to be equal to men it is not true for they want to above the men.
For that is not how the world operates by people wanting to be equal with each other but they want to be above each other.
Do businesses want to be equal, do pro sports teams want to be equal, do people that heap money to themselves want to be equal.
They do not want to be equal but they want to be above.
The women are out there doing what they men are doing, and going against the men as men go against men in all facets of society.
And in relationships they are trying to control like the men like to control.
But it is funny they will talk about men and the way they act and they act the same way for they have the liberty to do that so they will take it as all people will take it if given the opportunity.
They talk about the men and then they act the same way.
In the world they will be racist for that is the way of the world, and the way of the flesh.
How can they avoid it for no person can love perfectly without the Spirit.
In the world why wouldn't they think their race is better if they think their nation is better and they are better in other situations.
And concerning African Americans it is funny how they can talk about the white people but their people act the same way.
For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God, and what makes you to differ from another, and there is none that does good, no, not one, and God is no respecter of persons.
God said they accuse and excuse each other for they will point their finger and accuse all the while their people act the same way and act as if they have an excuse.
The truth is all nations, and ethnic groups push for power, but if they do not have the power they cry oppression, and they are cruel, but if they had the power they would push it too.
And white guilt does not apply for nobody is responsible or guilty for someone else's sin for that is on them.
It does not matter if your dad is Hitler for if you do not go along with him you are not guilty.
And if one African American shoots a white person or does a white person wrong then they are all guilty if that applies.
And white privilege does not apply for African Americans will give African Americans privilege, and the Latinos the Latinos, and the Asians the Asians.
And African Americans can be millionaires, billionaires, house owners, land owners, business owners, pro sports, movie and television stars, doctors, judges, lawyers, good jobs, policemen, military, and freedom to move about the country.
So what oppression are they talking about.
That is the way of the world that people are racist so why cry about it for that is the way it goes, and their people are also racist for they are of the world so it is funny how they can talk about the white people.
But leave the oppression talk out of it for it is not true for how come I am not a millionaire, or have a high position in society like some African Americans, so am I oppressed too.
African Americans go against Latinos, Asians, and other ethnic groups dogging them out.
But what did they do to them, and it does not matter if slavery never happened they would still be prejudice.
The truth of the matter is they do not like that they do not have the power for if they did they would push it too for look in the neighborhoods as they push for power for that is the way of the world.
Everybody acts the same but they talk of other people while their own people act the same and want power and control.
Anybody that says oh those black people, and oh those white people are surely racist, for how can they blame them all for what a few do.
Is Africa without any fights or wars, of course not.
Everybody acts the same and exalts themselves while talking about other people who do the same.
Rom 2:14 For when the Gentiles, which have not the law, do by nature the things contained in the law, these, having not the law, are a law unto themselves:
Rom 2:15 Which shew the work of the law written in their hearts, their conscience also bearing witness, and their thoughts the mean while accusing or else excusing one another.
They accuse but then their people act the same way.
For all nations, and ethnic groups push for power, but when they do not have the power they accuse all the while their own people do the same and want the same.
But it does not take away the injustices being done for it is wrong, but people need to stop acting as if their people are somehow not like that.
Oh those white people, oh those black people.
Oh there goes those black people stealing again as if a person of another ethnic group never did it.
Oh those Jews are money hungry people as if other ethnic groups are not the same.