Paul told us that if we use the rituals to guide us to righteous living we make Christ of no use to us.
Paul also told us that the rituals that God gave people of the OT to follow were like the schoolmasters who guided the children to school, they guided and protected. The problem came in when the people used the rituals as righteous living, not as guides. We are to let the Holy Spirit guide us to the same things the rituals were to guide people to.
The food laws guided them to watch what came into their bodies to be sure it was clean. We are to watch every thought that we allow in us to be sure it is clean. Circumcision was to be a stamp of belonging to the Lord. We are to circumcise our hearts. The sacrifices of the sacrificial system were a very involved, complicated system that gives a picture of what the Lord sees as sin. We are to know what is sinful.
The Lord asks that we understand all of this, we need to study so we use the Holy Spirit properly as our guide.
Paul also told us that the rituals that God gave people of the OT to follow were like the schoolmasters who guided the children to school, they guided and protected. The problem came in when the people used the rituals as righteous living, not as guides. We are to let the Holy Spirit guide us to the same things the rituals were to guide people to.
The food laws guided them to watch what came into their bodies to be sure it was clean. We are to watch every thought that we allow in us to be sure it is clean. Circumcision was to be a stamp of belonging to the Lord. We are to circumcise our hearts. The sacrifices of the sacrificial system were a very involved, complicated system that gives a picture of what the Lord sees as sin. We are to know what is sinful.
The Lord asks that we understand all of this, we need to study so we use the Holy Spirit properly as our guide.
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