Yes. This is an important point that must be stressed. We were NOT made in God's Image and likeness. Yes, we may physically LOOK like Jesus did on earth, but we certainly are not made in His Spiritual Image, whereas Adam and Eve were before the fall.
We are ALL made in the spiritual image of Adam. That is why Christ had to come in the first place;
Genesis 5:3
New King James Version
3 And Adam lived one hundred and thirty years, and begot a son IN HIS OWN LIKENESS, AFTER HIS IMAGE, and named him Seth.
We are ALL made in the spiritual image of Adam. That is why Christ had to come in the first place;
Genesis 5:3
New King James Version
3 And Adam lived one hundred and thirty years, and begot a son IN HIS OWN LIKENESS, AFTER HIS IMAGE, and named him Seth.
To put it another way, it is precisely the Image of God that makes man human; man could not lose the Image without ceasing to be what he is. Furthermore, it is only because he retains it, even in a broken or distorted form, that man is redeemable and worth redeeming. Without it, God would have had no reason or motivation to send His Son to die on our behalf. This is a vital point, not only from a strictly theological point of view, but also in connection with practical issues such as the sanctity of human life.
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