I have been married to my husband 2 times. The first time we were kids,(( I was 15 and he was 18) but the second time around we are supposed to be mature,(I was 35 and he was 38). The same problem is haunting our marriage. Ricky loves me,(I am sure of this), but he finds it hard to stay true to me. I am not positive if he has ever cheated on me,(actually had sex with some one). I have cought him sneekng and talking to other women in a way married men should not be doing. He also has a problem with porn. He tells me he will not "chat" with other women, will stay away from porn and will be completely true to me. I think all is great; until I stumble on proof he is not keeping his word. I have even stumbled across a pic. On his phone of a topless woman( he of course said one of his friends must have used his phone). Well, with all of this being said how can a man love his wife and do this? Any insight will be helpful and please pray for us.