Before I get corrected on my mistake 'technicality'
AD apparently stands for Anno Domini, not After Death. In which case the accounts would be ~30 years+ post Jesus's death.
Ok even better. So instead of 60 years after his reported death, we have them 30 years closer, assuming you're right.
So within 30 years of his death, we have people verified to have been persecuted for some message about Jesus.
Those being persecuted either...
1. Made it up themselves....
2. Heard it from somewhere.......
If 1 is true, then we have a whole mass of people willing to die for what they KNEW was a lie.....Not very plausible. The better reasoning is they were dying for something they had experienced....assuming you're going off of assertion 1.
If assertion 2 is true, then we have people being persecuted because they heard a message from somewhere. Which implies there was a messenger!
Who was the messenger?
The apostles.
So then we have these apostles willing to die for either something they knew was a lie, or something they experienced. first hand.
Would they ALL be willing to die for something they KNEW was a lie???????
Not likely..
Which begs another question. Where did they get their message they were proclaiming??
From their own personal hands on experience........
It's more implausible to believe this whole thing was just conjured up outta thin air, than it is to believe it really happened.
So another question.
Which message were they proclaiming and which message would the Romans feel most threatened by?
Well the NT tells us they proclaimed Jesus was GOD and KING!
Roman emperors thought they were basically God and King....
So it seems more plausible that the Romans persecuted the Christians for the record we have on account in the NT as far as the message they proclaimed, than to believe they were persecuted for simply going around saying hey everyone love each Jesus said to. Rome wouldn't be threatned by a simple message like that!
So it's more plausible from all that to believe that the message of Jesus being God and king did indeed exist. It's more plausible to believe these folks were dying for what they knew and experienced as the truth. It's more plausible to believe a guy named Jesus proclaimed himself both God, King and that THIS was the first primary mover igniting the apostles and then the followers.