Amen! That's how we come to Him, and that by His own choice. As Jesus said to Paul, "I am sending you to them to open their eyes and turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan to God, so that they may receive freedom[Gr.] from sins and a place among those who are sanctified by faith in Me." Acts 26:18
As Ern Baxter said, "Real faith is hearing under God, being submissive under God and obeying God." Jesus brings us out of "Egypt" and from under "Pharoah". He brings us through the water, gives us the "cloud" and we come under Him. Our bodies are living sacrifices through the Good News of the Kingdom of God. Salvation is a change of government. The true Gospel is the power of God and it changes people radically. They were walking one way - now they walk in a new Way. Jesus walked in that Way, and abiding in Him, we must walk as He did (which is not humanly possible.)
Satan has been allowed to hide much of this through religion. Many give mental ascent to a couple of claims of Jesus, but there is never repentance. Vast hoards of Christians never become new creations. Because Jesus is not Head, the church is almost infinitely fragmented. If we were one, the world would believe that the Father sent the Son. Because we are not, but most walk after their own way today, according to their souls, the world is degenerating.
Sin is my way as opposed to His Way. In fact, whatever does not come from faith is sin, as it is written. Are you a new creation and are you being led today by the Holy Spirit? The addicts need to hear. The rebellious and the tormented need to hear. All without peace need to find the Prince of Peace. Humans need to humble themselves under His mighty hand. He gives grace to the humble.
As Ern Baxter said, "Real faith is hearing under God, being submissive under God and obeying God." Jesus brings us out of "Egypt" and from under "Pharoah". He brings us through the water, gives us the "cloud" and we come under Him. Our bodies are living sacrifices through the Good News of the Kingdom of God. Salvation is a change of government. The true Gospel is the power of God and it changes people radically. They were walking one way - now they walk in a new Way. Jesus walked in that Way, and abiding in Him, we must walk as He did (which is not humanly possible.)
Satan has been allowed to hide much of this through religion. Many give mental ascent to a couple of claims of Jesus, but there is never repentance. Vast hoards of Christians never become new creations. Because Jesus is not Head, the church is almost infinitely fragmented. If we were one, the world would believe that the Father sent the Son. Because we are not, but most walk after their own way today, according to their souls, the world is degenerating.
Sin is my way as opposed to His Way. In fact, whatever does not come from faith is sin, as it is written. Are you a new creation and are you being led today by the Holy Spirit? The addicts need to hear. The rebellious and the tormented need to hear. All without peace need to find the Prince of Peace. Humans need to humble themselves under His mighty hand. He gives grace to the humble.
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