Dear Whispered....he is stating the same as you only in the negative
"If it can be forfeited then that means it was earned."
@PS states that it cannot be earned but argues it can be forfeited..
@eternally-gratefull is showing him why that does not work.
EG absolutely agrees salvation is secure.
Stew is good too
That's good because now I can pour it over my head and maybe it will help me not write a long post to the wrong person.

And it is too late to edit and write, Dear P.S. the following is actually for you.

Well, maybe I can.
All apologies to you EG. Please forgive me. I should not have taken the back and forth between you and 11th on its face. I should have read back so as to garner the context of that post I quoted of yours in response to 11th.
Let's see. (They call me, optimist) That this works to get the right one's attention.
Dear P.S
.... the Christian in the grace of God knows there is not one iota of scripture wherein in God's own words, He tells us He will make our eternal Salvation forfeit under certain conditions.
What part of , God's gifts and Salvation are irrevocable, is not clear in that regard? Irrevocable.
Jesus said, concerning those of us who are saved, no one will take us from His hand. No one. Not even we ourselves can remove ourselves from His hand.
Imagine, if you will, what would have to occur for God to make forfeit our Salvation. Everything that occurred in our rebirth would have to be reversed so as to send us back to the state of dead in our sins. And God would have to take those sins at our repentance that He said He shall remember no more, bring them back front and center and re-charge them to our account.
Which would mean Jesus' death on the cross was also forfeit as pertains to His sacrifice assuring for all eternity, eternal Salvation for all who believe in Him. Even if someone loses their faith, God knows the heart and that does not mean God loses faith in them. They cannot undo what Salvation did do to make them a new creation. Nor has God said He would do that to them either.
Perhaps , if you truly do believe what you're pushing here as your idea of what it means to be in Christ, you might consider that blasphemy, as you are committing when you dispute God's own words concerning the free gift, and by the way, how does someone forfeit that which is free, are absolute and eternal. Because , as we know, should know, we are also told by God in His own words that God is not a man that He should lie.
So when God said His gifts and calling unto Salvation are irrevocable, to say a free gift of irrevocable Salvation can be made forfeit, and that of course would have to pertain to God's forfeiting it from us, taking away our Salvation, which means He, as Jesus, was false, lied, when He said, no one will take us from Him, and that Salvation that we were assured of in Him.
Therefore, I would offer you a suggestion and a question for your consideration. Not one that I would expect you to answer before the public in this forum.
Take the time to read the Gospel books.
And then ask yourself after you do this, even go to sites and read commentary on each one if you need assistance to process in detail the full meaning of Jesus' parables concerning our Salvation, why would you insist those who are in Christ can be thrown out by God's own decree? Or, our desire to have eternal Salvation revoked.
Why would anyone, who knows the Gospel and the fate of those who die in their sins, consciously decide, nah, I think I'd rather die damned. So I'll have this eternal security and Salvation Jesus died to give me taken away, because that's what I want.
Why are you here trying to tell Christians we are not actually secure in our eternal, keyword there; eternal, Salvation? What leads you to think that way? Whatever it is, in the name of Christ and from the love of He who died to save you and all the world, cast that out of you, repent, and find peace. Because what you are intending here is folly. You will not lead a single Christian to believe what you say.
The Creator of all things spoke first and is not a man that He would lie to us.
God's mercies surround you. God's light lead you home.