gb9 has never proven me wrong in this forum. They misrepresent the truth of what I say and use that as claim to proving me wrong. And their pride or worse, precludes them from reading anyones offering of informative Biblical sources so as to educate their ignorance on a matter they insist they are correct about. And it is that tactic they employ that then allows them to claim they've proven a member here wrong about a topic or issue in scripture.
When you encounter that campaign or agenda that issues forth the charge, "JUDAIZER", you are encountering that which is anti-Jewish. There is a difference between being Anti-Jewish and Antisemitic, though one can actually practice as both. And do.
Jesus was Jewish, His family were Jewish, His Disciples/Apostles were Jewish. And the first Christians were largely Jewish. Go figure how being opposed to the Jewish aspect of scripture makes sense.
What has been discussed in this forum are the laws of God and how they pertain today for the Christian. When Jesus reiterated parts of the Ten Commandments/Ten Words of God, and He and His Disciples observed the Sabbath, the Apostles doing so after Jesus ascended back to Heaven, there is a message there that the Ten Commands, the moral guidance for behaviors for those who are to love God and their neighbor, still matter. As well as the Sabbath, because Jesus told us, the Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath.
And nowhere in scripture does Jesus say we are to no longer observe the Sabbath nor to uphold a moral virtue, as outlined in the Ten Commandments/Ten Words of God.
The Dietary Feasts, Feast Days, were never abolished either. Though there are those who believe those as well as the Ten Commands/Ten Words, were for "Jews Only". . In as much as saying outright that the Old Covenant/ Old Testament (Testament in the Hebrew is the same as Covenant in meaning and application), because of the New Covenant/Testament was too.
This isn't true.
Jesus said not one jot nor tittle of the law shall fall away until all is fulfilled. If we are familiar with the Old Covenant/Testament, we know that there is more to the Messianic prophecy. Therefore, all has not yet been fulfilled. Jesus said He did not come to abolish the law. Those other Ten Words of God/Jesus are ignored by those who are opposed to God's law.
Rather, Jesus said He came to fulfill the law. And he did! Perfectly. And yet, Jesus knew that all was not yet accomplished. Which is why in His ministry he told his Disciples and others, if you love me keep my commands. That is also seemingly ignored by those who ignore God's law and testament.
Jesus reiterated much of the Ten Commands/Words, in His ministry. Odd that he would do that if he came to abolish them, as some men claim, while ignoring that Jesus said He did not come for that purpose.
No matter how many independent sources of information informing these facts are posted, they are repeatedly ignored. And now there's a new slur to accompany the charge of "JUDAIZER!" Cult propaganda! When sources that are learned, and far more so than any member here, are offered for review. Because it is easier to use two cutting words of dismissal , than it is to take ten minutes or more to educate one's ignorance. And of course, it takes even less time to contrive a lie about those who think enough of genuine students of scripture so as to make that offering of independent research and Biblically supported articles reporting on the Covenant and God's laws as they apply today.
So there you have it. Those who mock, ridicule, slander Christians are not fair faithful sources to be taken seriously when they are actually mocking, ridiculing, and slandering God's words that inspire the Christians here to share in the words of our Lord.
Sadly, it appears none the less that such is dedicated to that hobby. One can only hope prayers protect their targets and if it be God's will, protect them from the eternity God forewarns awaits those who are not His.
Thank you for reading this far if you did. I've been ridiculed for long winded posts. However, in my defense, when short posts don't get through the wall of hate, sometimes you have to employ other methods in the hopes even a parcel of truth will find its way through a crack in the visage that demonstrates it has no intention of actually learning anything remotely related to the study of Apologetics.
When you encounter that campaign or agenda that issues forth the charge, "JUDAIZER", you are encountering that which is anti-Jewish. There is a difference between being Anti-Jewish and Antisemitic, though one can actually practice as both. And do.
Jesus was Jewish, His family were Jewish, His Disciples/Apostles were Jewish. And the first Christians were largely Jewish. Go figure how being opposed to the Jewish aspect of scripture makes sense.
What has been discussed in this forum are the laws of God and how they pertain today for the Christian. When Jesus reiterated parts of the Ten Commandments/Ten Words of God, and He and His Disciples observed the Sabbath, the Apostles doing so after Jesus ascended back to Heaven, there is a message there that the Ten Commands, the moral guidance for behaviors for those who are to love God and their neighbor, still matter. As well as the Sabbath, because Jesus told us, the Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath.
And nowhere in scripture does Jesus say we are to no longer observe the Sabbath nor to uphold a moral virtue, as outlined in the Ten Commandments/Ten Words of God.
The Dietary Feasts, Feast Days, were never abolished either. Though there are those who believe those as well as the Ten Commands/Ten Words, were for "Jews Only". . In as much as saying outright that the Old Covenant/ Old Testament (Testament in the Hebrew is the same as Covenant in meaning and application), because of the New Covenant/Testament was too.
This isn't true.
Jesus said not one jot nor tittle of the law shall fall away until all is fulfilled. If we are familiar with the Old Covenant/Testament, we know that there is more to the Messianic prophecy. Therefore, all has not yet been fulfilled. Jesus said He did not come to abolish the law. Those other Ten Words of God/Jesus are ignored by those who are opposed to God's law.
Rather, Jesus said He came to fulfill the law. And he did! Perfectly. And yet, Jesus knew that all was not yet accomplished. Which is why in His ministry he told his Disciples and others, if you love me keep my commands. That is also seemingly ignored by those who ignore God's law and testament.
Jesus reiterated much of the Ten Commands/Words, in His ministry. Odd that he would do that if he came to abolish them, as some men claim, while ignoring that Jesus said He did not come for that purpose.
No matter how many independent sources of information informing these facts are posted, they are repeatedly ignored. And now there's a new slur to accompany the charge of "JUDAIZER!" Cult propaganda! When sources that are learned, and far more so than any member here, are offered for review. Because it is easier to use two cutting words of dismissal , than it is to take ten minutes or more to educate one's ignorance. And of course, it takes even less time to contrive a lie about those who think enough of genuine students of scripture so as to make that offering of independent research and Biblically supported articles reporting on the Covenant and God's laws as they apply today.
So there you have it. Those who mock, ridicule, slander Christians are not fair faithful sources to be taken seriously when they are actually mocking, ridiculing, and slandering God's words that inspire the Christians here to share in the words of our Lord.
Sadly, it appears none the less that such is dedicated to that hobby. One can only hope prayers protect their targets and if it be God's will, protect them from the eternity God forewarns awaits those who are not His.
Thank you for reading this far if you did. I've been ridiculed for long winded posts. However, in my defense, when short posts don't get through the wall of hate, sometimes you have to employ other methods in the hopes even a parcel of truth will find its way through a crack in the visage that demonstrates it has no intention of actually learning anything remotely related to the study of Apologetics.
I do not have time to debunk all these lies and false claims in this, but i'll give a quick go.
in Leviticus 26, God spoke to Moses about the " Covenant He made with the fathers of those who came out of Egypt".
that would be the same Covenant that whispered just wrote all this about.
so, if any care about what God the Father said about whom was under what covenant, there it is.
so, if one cannot trace their ancestry back to those who crossed the red sea, then that Covenant was not made with you.
not to mention, Paul said multiple times that gentiles never had the Law.
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