Back in the day, those claiming to know bible prophecy befuddled me. Little did I know how their forecasts came to be. After many failed prophecies about the Lord’s return, first in 1988, one generation after Israel occupied Palestine. And more predictions, all failing their predicted time, I began to wonder. And on top of this, many failed predictions of the Antichrist being everyone from Henry Kissinger to Mikhail Gorbachev, I began to question my sanity for listening to them.
It turns out, much of their platform came from the hallucinations of young Margaret MacDonald, a Scottish lass who in the 1800s predicted the PreTrib Rapture while burning up with a fever. And then picked up on by J. Darby and Later C.I. Scofield wrote of it alongside scripture in his Scofield Reference Bible in the early 1900s.
This became part of Dispensationalism. A new prophetic framework through which people could relate the bible to current events. Prophecy buffs worldwide spent many hours gleaning the headlines in search of the Antichrist who already had them twirling on his string while they searched for him.
In fact, this sort of futurism is the result of a plan designed by the Jesuits to offset the Reformers who identified the papacy as the Antichrist. The Jesuits inserted a gap of unlimited time between Daniel’s 69th and 70th weeks (Daniel 9:24ff). Saying the 70th week is on hold until Antichrist arrives.
But in doing this, they turned Jesus who already fulfilled the 70th week, into a future Antichrist who would fulfill the 70th week in the distant future. Now more than 2000 years later. The Jesuits thought by doing so, people would think the Antichrist is yet future, so he cannot be the Pope.
It worked having affected a broad swath of Christendom. Placing them into a futuristic mode of reading the bible while missing the present and past fulfillments in prophecy. But the gap, no matter how far into the future, needed a few things.
The original backdrop of the first century had the Roman Empire. The time in which the Kingdom of Christ came. But now disregarded and changed into a Jewish millennium of the future.
This meant, they needed a restored Roman Empire. A rebuilt temple for Antichrist to desecrate. Another great tribulation, and all that belonged to the original 70th week’s prophecy, already fulfilled.
But this forms much of their prophecy today. Already fulfilled prophecy is now said to have “double fulfillment”. So they predict a restored Roman Empire. A new Temple with animal sacrifices for Antichrist to end and so on. Not realizing they missed it the same way the Jews did. The kingdom is spiritual and not the physical kingdom they remain looking for.
And so here we are. The bible scavenger hunt began in the 1800s. Looking for scripture to support this “new way” of reading the bible. A system not based on the bible, but based instead on an imaginary Gap the bible never mentions. This meant sawing one text after another from its original setting. And trying to recreate it in the future with modern technology. An example is Ezekiel 38 -39 where spears become submarines. Horses become jet planes. And the attempt to steal Israel’s cattle becomes oil or any reason battles happen today.
And ancient Gog and Magog become Russia. Without one mention of any of this in scripture. Yet many believe the current wave of false prophecy. Not knowing it comes from an imaginary gap inserted in the bible by Jesuits to deceive Protestants at war with the Reformers of the 1600s.
It turns out, much of their platform came from the hallucinations of young Margaret MacDonald, a Scottish lass who in the 1800s predicted the PreTrib Rapture while burning up with a fever. And then picked up on by J. Darby and Later C.I. Scofield wrote of it alongside scripture in his Scofield Reference Bible in the early 1900s.
This became part of Dispensationalism. A new prophetic framework through which people could relate the bible to current events. Prophecy buffs worldwide spent many hours gleaning the headlines in search of the Antichrist who already had them twirling on his string while they searched for him.
In fact, this sort of futurism is the result of a plan designed by the Jesuits to offset the Reformers who identified the papacy as the Antichrist. The Jesuits inserted a gap of unlimited time between Daniel’s 69th and 70th weeks (Daniel 9:24ff). Saying the 70th week is on hold until Antichrist arrives.
But in doing this, they turned Jesus who already fulfilled the 70th week, into a future Antichrist who would fulfill the 70th week in the distant future. Now more than 2000 years later. The Jesuits thought by doing so, people would think the Antichrist is yet future, so he cannot be the Pope.
It worked having affected a broad swath of Christendom. Placing them into a futuristic mode of reading the bible while missing the present and past fulfillments in prophecy. But the gap, no matter how far into the future, needed a few things.
The original backdrop of the first century had the Roman Empire. The time in which the Kingdom of Christ came. But now disregarded and changed into a Jewish millennium of the future.
This meant, they needed a restored Roman Empire. A rebuilt temple for Antichrist to desecrate. Another great tribulation, and all that belonged to the original 70th week’s prophecy, already fulfilled.
But this forms much of their prophecy today. Already fulfilled prophecy is now said to have “double fulfillment”. So they predict a restored Roman Empire. A new Temple with animal sacrifices for Antichrist to end and so on. Not realizing they missed it the same way the Jews did. The kingdom is spiritual and not the physical kingdom they remain looking for.
And so here we are. The bible scavenger hunt began in the 1800s. Looking for scripture to support this “new way” of reading the bible. A system not based on the bible, but based instead on an imaginary Gap the bible never mentions. This meant sawing one text after another from its original setting. And trying to recreate it in the future with modern technology. An example is Ezekiel 38 -39 where spears become submarines. Horses become jet planes. And the attempt to steal Israel’s cattle becomes oil or any reason battles happen today.
And ancient Gog and Magog become Russia. Without one mention of any of this in scripture. Yet many believe the current wave of false prophecy. Not knowing it comes from an imaginary gap inserted in the bible by Jesuits to deceive Protestants at war with the Reformers of the 1600s.
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