Wow a lot happened in my time away from this thread. If I may add some of my thoughts on the matter of osas I am a osas believer but I also think there is a difference between a christian by title and a christian by heart. I have noticed that some come to christ but lack that passion they go on the path for a bit but soon fall back into the world, others come to christ have that passion at first but then burn out and again go back to the world, some come to christ and continue to go on the path but are superficial they do everything right except having that close and intimate bond with him, they are about works and study the scriptures they pray and go to church but in the end they are just playing the religion game and then there are those who come to him with a fiery passion build that intimacy and closeness and soar in their faith and continue to show that love and passion they are true children of God.
Now out all the types I have seen the latter is the only one I can safely say can never lose their salvation because these types of believer represent the shepherd and the sheep perfectly, the thing about sheep is that they don't just follow and listen to the shpherd they remain close to him. The closeness the intimacy the love and the bond this is what seperates the seed that falls on good soil vs the seeds that fall on dry soil and don't sprout and the seed that sprouts but the thorns and weeds die it out.
Now out all the types I have seen the latter is the only one I can safely say can never lose their salvation because these types of believer represent the shepherd and the sheep perfectly, the thing about sheep is that they don't just follow and listen to the shpherd they remain close to him. The closeness the intimacy the love and the bond this is what seperates the seed that falls on good soil vs the seeds that fall on dry soil and don't sprout and the seed that sprouts but the thorns and weeds die it out.
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