Mind dumbing your verbiage down a bit for me? I find neither porn nor masturbation MORALLY wrong. But I also don't find them on the same level of ok.
Right. Subjective morality, is basically "man-made". It is an "in the eye of the beholder" take on morality. For you murder may be wrong, for me it may be okay in some instances, and for our shared neighbor, it's a fun extra-curricular activity that should be partaken in with a group of friends. Yet, according to this none of the three is wrong, as it is a rejection of Objective morality.
Objective morality, is basically that there is such a thing as morally right or wrong. This would be rooted in what is philsophically referred to as a Moral Law. This Moral law would have a source, and would make morally right actions right, and morally wrong actions wrong, even if no one agrees.
Moral Nihilism, is basically a conclusion based on Subjective Morality. That, because two people disagree on a moral issue, neither are ultimately right(or wrong) and that the universe is amoral. Amoral being, there is no right or wrong.
So, to apply this to the conversation, which is why I raised the point.
To say that something isn't morally wrong subjectively (in the eye of the beholder) is not a basis for morality (see the above). As it's ultimately logical following conclusion is Moral Nihilism (moral free-for-all). Yet, Objective Morality, would be all-applying.
YouTube - Dr. Ravi Zacharias Question and Answer - Moral Law and Giver <--- click for Ravi Zacharias Explaining it in philosophical jargon