It's not a matter of being inclined. It's a matter of having a reason. I have to have a reason to do anything. I can't even work out for the sake of exercise - I have to have a reason, like biking to my job. (And that works very well for cutting down the ole gut, let me tell you! Fourteen miles of Tennessee hills on a bicycle, then a shift on the job, then fourteen miles back will trim you down in a month.)
I was rocking Windows 7 up until just a few weeks ago, because it works for everything I need. The only reason I got Win10 was because it was what my new music-making computer happened to already have installed on it. Yeah it works pretty well, but Win7 was doing the same job. I don't upgrade just to upgrade, I only upgrade for a reason. Shoot, I was on Windows XP until somewhere around 2012 or 2014. Stayed with it for the same reason, switched to Win7 for the same reason - it happened to be on the computer I bought.
So it's not a matter of whether I'm inclined to be married or not. It's a matter of whether I know a lady who I want to marry. And right now I don't. When I meet her, my inclination will change. Until then I am inclined to remain single for the same reason I am inclined to stay with Win10 - it is doing everything I need right now.