You would Never boast of a true work of faith. You boast when your working for self. And that type of work is called self righteous bloody rags type of works. Even for believers
Do we do this works? Yes. That’s why it is great to have a HS who chastens us
Do we do this works? Yes. That’s why it is great to have a HS who chastens us
When we work for the must be in his strength...I can remember as a new babe...I tried to work in my own strength...I burnt myself out and became ill......,
I believe we must wait on God to show us the works he wants us to carry out....when we do that,the works happen automatically/naturally.....because we do these works in His strength and not our own.
So when we do those is done to Glorify God and God only.
We are nothing without God......I have also come to realise that I don’t want to stay close to self.
I want to be as close to God as I could possibly be......
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