yeah, well it happens everyday, I was and am a victim of abuse, that is wrong and should not happen, but did God intervene no. Because children are more helpless, less strong, and able to defend and just walk away. God hates it yes, but do all humans no. And even when we do hate it, and can do something about it, time, space, money, rules that humans have created surrounding social services, divorce, custody battles create a whole host of problems.
Abuse is never right, and to this day I still do not understand all the reason it goes on, paranoia, fear, patterns of abuse, need to do something with life, boredom, I don't know.
The YWCA has a very good handbook, called "It Shouldn't Hurt to Go Home", a domestic violence victim's handbook. From the description of different types of abuse in this booklet, many of us are being abused and don't even know it, we'er being cared for, but then when something more healthy and more godly comes along, WOW, this is what real normalcy is like.
Things like, emotional witholding, coercion, manipulation, constant criticism.
And demanding of a human relationship, that which is not supposed to be given. Many parents because their marriages are suffering and unhappy, put burdens on their children that they cannot carry nor were supposed to love the parent, and fill their emotional tank. But then that teenager or young adult, has no reserves left for a future mate or employer or whatever they do in life. And often get blames, it's all your fault, because in the eyes of many parents are God, and no matter what wrong behavior they have, the child must suffer and endure, but all are not created and equal and cannot suffer without permanent or temporary scars, that now need to be healed or left alone, because if touched will only cause more harm.
Make sense. It is true, no lie, seen it in my life, and others.
God Bless You for being strong to defend lives and a good cause and standing up for what is right.
Treat your wife, woman, girl, right!