I don't like it when people DOUBLE DIP chips at a party , I've trained my 4 year old niece and nephewz 10, so why can't I train others . Ick ! Even my dog doesn't DDI!!
NOW, since this is a singles forum, I go grrr when I like a girl, a lot, and, she expects me to like her so she says something in response to what I say to try and make me feel sorry for her. (Example: Me:It's cold out today. Her:Yeah. What happens when life is cold? ) That makes me feel sorry for her but. Good Christian guy , if he's smart, will flee a Hi with low self-esteem. Don't do it, ladies!!!

YOU are alive in Christ, don't act dead around me, the wrong guy will take advantage of you, maybe, and, the right guy, a God guy, will fleeeeee