If Trump wins I think we Will be very much on the road to a mixture of socialism and democracy.Is America ready for that?
United Nations Agenda 21, 1992, 179 nations agreed to it which they probably all agree to it now, sustainability development, ecology, economy, social.
Ecology- harmony between nature and people, which all people will be taken out of the rural areas and placed in the cities, and no development can happen outside city limits, and communities work together to help to stop crime, and their job is to watch the street and watch their neighbor, which this also helps to cause people to cooperate together, and the streets are monitored with eyes on the street.
Economy- everybody equal economically, and go by their needs, which the stimulus check is probably a pattern for basic income for many jobs will not be available when they establish Agenda 21 in their nation, for many jobs are not needed, and resources are limited, and the people cannot pursue their wants as they once did, and they care about the ecology so they want to cut down on pollution.
It would seem like alcohol, cigarettes, and drugs, will not be tolerated at that time for they are not going to waste time dealing with people with failing health because they do those things, and also they are habits and people will steal, and hurt people for their habits, and they will not tolerate that for they are serious about having peace.
Gangs, Mafia, and anybody like them will be busted up, and separated, and if people do not act right in their communities then they will be an outcast, and they do not want that, and all people basically become the police as they all people watch out for crime, and participate to keep their communities free from crime.
That is why the police are not needed.
Social- all people are equal social status wise.
Cities to regionalize their cities.
Target date for all nations to be compatible with Agenda 21, 2030, and for a global government that will be a balance between communism and democracy, which the nations agree to that for they can keep their communism but have to be a little softer, and can keep their democracy but have to be a little bit harder, but they do not care about that for it is not enough difference for them to not go along with a global government, and they want a global government.
The purpose of the nations now is to make themselves Agenda 21 compatible, put all people equal, and stop people heaping money to themselves for that is a division, and stop the different social status levels for that is a division, and ban the police for that is a division, and to make their government compatible with how the global government will operate in the future to take away that division of government of the world, and if there is any division among them in the nation's government like America.
Controlled conflict brings about controlled change.
BLM is the start of Agenda 21, equality, ban the police, talks about sustainability on their website.
The protests were planned before the protests began, and the government wants them to protest, riot, and steal, and burn, and cause chaos, for they want a division between Right Wing and Left Wing, for it is time to divide them up to have a war between them, and then they will stop that war and go to a new form of government and disband the Republican and Democrat party, and stop the fighting between Right Wing and Left Wing and say they have to do that for the peace and safety of the nation, but the main reason is they want to be compatible with Agenda 21 and the global government to come.
Republican and Democrat are working together and are fighting more with each other so the people will fight with each other more so they will clash with each other.
BLM is pushing Left Wing, liberal, and socialism, and will gather all the people that side with them together.
The people that oppose BLM, Right Wing, conservative, and democracy, will gather all the people on that side together.
For the government wants them to have a division between them, and a civil war, so they can go to a new form of government.
They will not let it escalate too much for they have to get the ball rolling in putting the people all equal, and establishing Agenda 21, and move the people in the rural areas to the cities, and have cooperation and harmony between them.
But enough of conflict to say they have to go to a new form of government and stop the fighting, and to show the nation that freedoms to not work, for they cause protests, and riots, and divisions, and fighting, and allowing public displays of prejudice that cause fighting.
President Trump will win the election which then the protesters will really go bonkers, and then the government can put them down, and have a new form of government.
President Trump used to be a Democrat, and now a Republican president, but President Trump is probably a liberal and conservative, but he is playing his role of the Republican for right now.
For it is all a game they are playing, and what Trump wants Obama wants, and what Obama wants Trump wants for the end goal, for they are concerned with the global government to come, and not how the government operates now.