I'm pretty appalled that you think women can't be the head of a relationship.-Xphineas
---Nuke did not say that a woman cannot be the head of a relationship in a marriage, he just said that its not how God designed it and God speaks that truth through scripture in the bible. And, in order to fully understand these things, xphineas, I could relate scripture to you until I was blue in the face and I would undoubtably get nowhere. Corinthians. Corinthians. Corinthians.....
Do I look blue now, xphineas?
So, what to do, what to do??? Hmmm. Really, there is no way we can reach common ground unless one or the other of us budges in our beliefs. BUDGE, Xphineas !! LOL > I just kiddin' .
So, the ONLY way that you, as an atheist, and, I, JulieAnnie, Nuked, RanSha, etc. etc., all we christians, can come together right now and believe the same way about wives submitting to husbands is if you have FAITH that Corinthians is Holy-Spirit breathed inspirational words that Paul then scribed down on papyrus root paper. That is the only way. YOU must have faith that Corinthians is real. Just like I must have faith that Sarte's existensionalism is REAL, which I don't . To me, existensionalism is a one way FREE ticket to disaster!! Empirical evidence ONLY takes you so far when it comes to believing whether God is going to come back again, Xphineas. The real question is very simple, do you believe Jesus is coming again??? Do you believe that 1000 scrolls (dead sea scrolls) found in 1950s contained information in them that was ALL alike in so a striking way, the scroll from Turkey for instance matched the scroll words from Egypt, though written at different times by different people. See, that's REAL evidence, that tells us the bible, which is what the dead sea scrolls are, that is, different writings of the bible, from different time periods dating back way back in early years of history, saying the SAME EXACT THING. How can that be?? THAT is empirical evidence however, and, Josh McDowell is the best author around, one of anyway, of apologetics, that is, proving Christ existed through ALL of creation and things happening during the centuries, including the finding of the dead sea scrolls and their great empirical evidence.
So, man, I feel blue now.

And, again, I am not talking down at you, Xphineas, I'm not flaming things at you, saying I'm right. I am just stating what I believe, what I believe is real, and, what I believe is real comes from FAITH

. This is just me talking, again, from what I know and believe through FAITH in Jesus Christ's ways on Earth and having seen all the things , preponderence of coincidences I call them, that God's done in my life, I see how POWERFUL a love God shows to take care of those that choose to have faith and belief in Him and His plans for them, taking care of here on Earth and then really taking care of us in Heaven.
God bless you for your honest thought, xphineas, and, your ability to carry on a rational conversation with christians . Sorry, if you don't want God's blessing, or,. believe it can be real in your life, but I most certainly do believe God's blessings are real and I want you to somehow, some way find God in your life in a great and revealing way.