What are you talking about? No offense but who are you to tell others what a verse in Gods word really means? Also I don't know of one Faith preacher that believes in "prosperity gospel". I watched them say from their mouth "there is no such thing as prosperity gospel in the word of God". So why keep saying it? Its not words of life. Does not help them in any way. It does make them look bad and....what believer would do that to Gods Children?

Remember Christ will say to the nations "if you did it to the least of these my brethren you did it unto me". Jesus shows up to Paul and says why are you persecuting me ?" Paul never did.
Yeah...we best understand we that LOVE and believe in Yeshua/Jesus Christ do not get to tell GOD who is and who is not really His Children. I do listen to Word of Faith and John MacArthur and in both cases do not agree with everything they teach.
LOL there is no perfect Church, preacher thats preacher the 100% truth. Get over it.. you me all believers are ONE body. Don't like the other hand other foot.. we get no say. HE alone is the head. He is the vine.. we are just branches... its not what the others are doing or preaching. Its what are YOU doing.. what fruit are you showing. Thats what He will be looking at asking you and me when we stand before Him. Now what we thought of some other believer. He takes care of them.. Hes really good at His job.
Be if faith or Catholic or baptist etc.. see what HE started He will finish. So I pray for them all. And never what I personally believe. I can be wrong.. duh.
So when the righteous..ooh thas ME! thrive "good, goodness, beauty, gladness, welfare" the city rejoices and the wicked perish, there are shouts of Joy.