I never said that anyone who is not in "full" support of Donal Trump is a fake Christian. I know people who voted for Trump, but don't even particularly like him as a person, yet could not support the liberal agenda of the Democrats. I'm also not implying that anyone who has ever voted for a Democrat is a fake Christian. What I'm focusing on is this year. I'm a member of multiple Christian forum sites and you would not believe all the people who "claim" to be Christians yet praise the liberal Democrats to high heaven. Such people seem to believe everything they hear from the liberal news media and even gloat about the Democrats winning the election, attack Christians who voted for Trump and demonstrate a very liberal mindset. I've also heard "professing" Christians on these various Christian forum sites say they are for abortion, gay marriage, defend Antifa and the radical side of BLM (defund the police, fires, looting, mayhem etc.. in various cities in the US) and believe socialism in America would be a good thing and are completely behind the 'great reset.' I am at a loss for words every time I think about just how far America has fallen!
I hope enough people read the following to understand that Christian forums are under attack by various groups. I know this for a fact, having been directed there and have seen for myself how atheists, satan worshipers and various other godless entities are being directed to join Christian forums, make it seem you are a Christian and then mock, attack, lie and cause as much havoc as you can.
Of course it is not my place or job to point out who they might be in this forum and they ARE in this forum because it is one of the forums mentioned as a particular good place to go because of the high traffic. However, when you sense you are dealing with a spirit that is totally contentious and mocking, it might be time to just to pray for them to be exposed.
Just remembering that not everyone who calls themself a Christian actually is a Christian would go a long way to stop even answering people who are obviously not here for any reason other than to cause division and bring down anything that is good by consistently providing evil as the alternative.
Some people are simply deceived, some hate Trump for whatever reason, but some are here to destroy. And some people are brainwashed and just can't help it.
I can provide proof of what I say but I am not going to provide a link in a post.
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