You CAN get out.
You WILL get out.
You ARE going to be okay.
Two years ago on this day, I ended a relationship to where on the outside, people thought we were the cutest together. I stood by him in job searches, I stood by him in his hard times, and I stood by him right after graduating college. And I did it with a smile on my face in front of people.
But, behind closed doors, I was faced with belittling, verbal, and emotional abuse. He took off his mask.
He gaslighted, making me question my sanity after he would do something awful, he would give me silent treatments, withhold physical touch, yelled at me in public because my texts were either too short, too medium, or too long.....and he kept me isolated from my family and from my friends and made my mind think that they were against me....because HE said so.
Until one day, I said, "Enough!"
I got out.
I went to counseling.
I started healing.
I didn't give up. I prevailed.
Two years ago, I started this healing journey and today, I can tell you: I am healed, I am whole, and I will NEVER take that path ever again.
You are NOT alone, even though you are scared.
You. are. loved.

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