Finally! An American male who thinks football is boring and lame! Hallelujah!
Anyway where was I...
Wearing makeup is exactly like wearing clothes in the sense that from a biblical perspective its not a crime to want to be pretty but it is a crime against our fellow men if we overdo it. And again it very much depends on the occasion.
I get angry at Satan when I see women who have perfectly fine skin wearing so much foundation you could take a wallpaper scraper to their face (I thinktheres another one the devil convinced theyre ugly. I get angry at the world when I see a Maybeline or Loreal ad playing during hours that children typically watch tv and young girls are brainwashed to think they have to look like a half starved airbrushed models.
I also hate it when guys preach on a topic that has nothing to do much with their own sex (therefore they have little experience or knowledge on the matter) when theres plenty of male lead issues you could harp on about like pornography, wife abuse, viagra, male hair replacement, men tweezing their ear and nose hair, the purpose of speedoes etc.
I garrentee Sharp that by the time your in your 40s/50s/60s you'll start to grow hair in places you wish it wouldnt grow while you lose hair in places you wish you had more. Women will slowly begin to not look at you and if you have children you will no doubt get frown lines that your teenage daughter will laugh at while you enviously watch your teenage son eat large quantites of fat, sugar and salt while you struggle to get rid of your middle aged porky belly with your home exercise gym.
You don't think during that time you might consider using some form of chemical treatment to ease one or more of those ailments? Of course your answer to that question is irrelevant til your middle aged and rubbing products on your shiny bald head.
Sharp I heartily approve of your principle (most of it) in the way that I hope your point is that you think your sisters in Christ are beautiful without makeup, but I have to say your method is awful. I also hope you think non christian women are beautiful the way they are as well (as Gods daughters, even if they don't know it).
Leave women's business to the women (because quite frankly this topic always finds itself to the #1 spot in the ladies thread so its not as if we've never debated this ourselves). I think your better off practicing what you preach. Instead of being angry at women for their ill informed choices why don't you pray over us? Like men, women sin and come back to Gods will at different timing, HIS timing. Do us a favour and go to a mall and walk around the makeup counters and clothing stores and do some spiritual warfare prayer. Pray for your sisters when you see another television ad for useless makeup, pray for your sisters when you see a man picking up a porn magazine and hours later wondering why their wife/girlfried doesnt look that good. I dare you to visit a burns unit at your nearby hospital and pray over every single patient there. This matter is never going to be black and white so I think its best you stop.
God bless