It took the USA and China 3 years to hammer out a trade agreement. What if I told you there are currently 7-year agreements in place under the name tag European Neighborhood Policy and it involves the E.U. and not only Israel but Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Egypt, Tunisia, Libya, and Morocco !! You see, he doesn't just conquer Israel, he has to be the Mediterranean Sea Region Beast like all the rest were. Thus THE MANY mentioned in Dan. 8:25, 9:27, and 11:41 refers to Israel and the MANY other nations in the region. He destroys MANY by peace(Dan 8:25), not just Israel, he makes a one-week agreement with MANY (Dan.9:27) and in Daniel 11:41 it says he conquers MANY countries. So, what happens is he comes to power, just after the Rapture, and he forces a rearranged deal on all these nations, they are currently being given 15 billion euros of a 7 year period of time, it ran from 2007-2013 and then from 2014-2020. These nations get used to the teat, and thus when he comes in, he demands concessions. Israel wants SO BAD to be a part of the E.U., they even play football (Soccer) in the Euro League. My guess is, they are talked into given up their nukes and told the E.U. will be their protector, as the USA is Wyoming's protector or Hawaii's protector.
Those deals had to be in place before the AC came to power, he only has so long, Satan needed them HOOKED by the time the AC comes to power. Then he has leverage over these nations. If one reads Dan. 11:40-43 they can see just who he conquers, Israel and all of North Africa, and just before Israel it sys he rolls through many countries, no doubt its Syria, Jordan and Lebanon. He is not allowed to Conquer Central and Southern Jordan (Ammon, Moab and Edom) and that just so happens to be where Petra is.
Actually, you are pretty spot on, in general.
He comes to power in the E.U. he born in Greece and he has Assyrian (Turkish blood)
I personally think 666 is just telling us the last Beast is a Human Being and not a Nation Beast like the other six were. 6 stands for humanity. This Beast never passes his kingdom on to another as all of the other Beasts did, thus he is the Beast, this is why Daniel 7:11 says the bests BODY is destroyed and he is CAST into hell.
Very true.
7 and 10 = Completeness and 12 = fullness. Now does 144,000 ring a bell ? What does it really mean? Well, 12 x 12 x 10 x 10 x 10 is 144,000 so its a Metaphor for ALL Israel that REPENTED, te Complete AND full number thereof, which Zechariah 13:8-9 says is 1/3 of all the Jewish peoples, so that would mean 3 million if we are only counting Israel, if we are counting worldwide it would be 5 million. It doesn't mean 144,000, it means the Jews who fled Judea for the mountains in the Bozrah/Petra area, where God protects them.
The number 10 in Rev. 2:10 doesn't mean Smyrna has tribulation 10 days, it mean for the complete Church Age. And the 10 horns that come out of the Fourth Beasts Head means the complete number of fractured (Iron & Clay) kingdoms at any given time that makes up Europe, until the very end times when they finally do reform as a single government. It never meant 10, it meant the complete number thereof. Right now, I think its 26 nations minus England.