What it is? Is it a bad thing or a good one? Is it possible to be a Christian and a feminist? I am curious lol coz I heard so much about it....🤔
Feminism was a concept introduced by the elite, the rich people that own the banks and huge money-making corporations...
You see, in the 1950's a mans wage was enough to buy a house, a car, get married, have a family and live a happy life with plenty of vacations... A woman had the choice to work or not. Most women would choose to be at home and why wouldn't they... Raising your kids is much more fulfilling than work...
The elites thought if they could get women to all work like men then it would double the labour force and keep wages low.
But how. Women would generally get married within 5 years of finishing high school... So they created a lie...
They started telling women that fulfillment in life was not with the family but at work. They made out like men were forcing them to stay home and oppressing them. They tricked women into competing with men in the workplace, to delay marriage, to be promiscuous.
Beautiful sounding terms like diversity, equality... It reminds me of Eve, the snake told her "you will be like a God"
And so today women are forced to work while their babies are at child care or with a babysitter...
It's so criminal to take a mother away from her child...
And look at buying a house these days... U need the income of both man and woman in a relationship to get a mortgage...
Ask any woman if she would rather be working or raising her child... My mum cried when I asked her... Made me feel so bad so I hugged her... I wasn't trying to make her feel bad about it. After all these years it still hurts her. And so I became so angry and bitter at this system who robbed me and my sis of our mother's love when we needed it most.
They've used feminism to push all kinds of other stuff too.
These days it isn't even about women's rights it's about abortions and gays and trannies and such...
Anything to take women away from God's will
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