Hypergrace and Easy Believism Mockers
This teacher makes some valid points. Although there is an exception though. There are saved people, who also sadly, mock hyper grace. There are born again Christians who do fall into a works based salvation heresy, and start to mock hyper grace (aka Easy Believism). And so I only disagree with Jack on this particular, since I understand that Christians can fall into legalism, Lordship Salvation, Calvinism, Arminianism, Hard Believism, etc. Just as the Christians at Galatia were being bewitched by the Judaizers. And so just because somebody mocks Hyper Grace or Easy Believism, it does not mean they are lost. They might be lost, or they might not be lost. The issue is, has that person ever trusted in Jesus Christ alone for their Salvation. And besides it is probably even safe to say that about over 85% to 90% of all Christians reject "Hyper Grace and Easy Believism." I guess Easy Believism is not so "Easy" after all.
Other than this though, everything else he says in the video is spot on. We do not have to turn from our sins to be saved. If we have to stop sinning to be saved, then that is works for salvation. And that is heresy. If we have to be deserving of Grace, or do something to merit Grace, then it is not Real Grace. Biblical Grace is unmeritable. Another good point he brings up in the video is when he says a Christian is not named after his sin, (or Identified with his sin). This also is true. There is a difference between a Christian that commits a sin like fornication VERSUS a Lost sinner who is a Fornicator. Likewise, there is a difference between a Christian who committed the sin of stealing VERSUS a lost sinner who is a thief. And what's the difference?? One Person is saved and the other person is Lost. It is that simple. All Lost sinners are named after their sin and identified with their sin since they are still IN their sins. And still dead in Adam. Christians are not named after the sins they commit because they are not in their sins, but rather, they are IN Christ, and there is no sin in Christ. So that's the only difference. Christians are still sinners, but only according their flesh (Old Sin Nature). It is also important to understand that We are Saints according to our Position in Christ (Our Standing) and in accordance with our New Nature (which is Righteous and Holy). And another important truth to understand is that God does not view His children in regard to their Old Man, but He views them in regard to their New Man. God sees us as Saints since he views us in accordance with our New Nature and our Position in His Son (Jesus Christ). And in our Standing, we are Holy, Just, Pure, godly, and Righteous. Even if we are not living holy, we still are Holy. Due to our Standing and Position in Christ. Even if a Christian is living in sin (aka "living like the devil"), still though, his holy and righteous Standing (New Man, New Creature in Christ) is not affected at all.
On the Contrary, no matter how good, and how moral, a lost sinner dead in Adam, tries to live, he is still ungodly, unrighteous, unholy, and unjust. And this is because of his position in Adam, he is still dead In Adam, and Dead in his sins and trespasses.
In conclusion, I am not against "Hyper Grace" or "Easy Believism." We need all the grace we can have. And Because none of us were worthy to be saved. If we are not saved by God's Grace through Faith alone in Christ alone, then we are not saved at all. But thanks be to God that we are saved by Grace through Faith alone in Christ alone.
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