well i can see this post is still struggling to find its way. the bible is pretty clear homosexuality is a sin. those who continue to practice it cannot be considered as living a christian life. this is the main point of most of the people that are clearly against accepting homosexuality. if someone is knowingly trying to practice sin they cannot be considered christian. over and over i have read this being said by a multitude of people. seeing as the bible is pretty clear it is hard to refute this.
lets take this to the extreme
so i will mention to them that everything they are talking about also directly applies to anyone in the military. thats right, anyone who is in service to the military is not a christian. you are knowingly engaged in sin. you go out during wartime and break one of Gods commandments, thou shall not kill. any attempt to justify or excuse your behaviour is irrelevant. the bible clearly states it is sin. a sin you are knowingly engaging in. to miss quote or use other parts of the bible to justify or excuse your behaviour is no different than the homosexuals who seek to do the same. there is no justification for sin.
wow, that seems extreme now doesn't it? i am sure many will find it offensive. i am trying to put things into perspective. i will now do this without targeting an individual or group. the bible states X is a sin, anyone who continues to practice X is a sinner and cannot be saved. if you repent for X and then continue to do X, you cannot be saved. if you are engaged in X you cannot use other parts of the bible to justify your being in X. someone who engages in X cannot be a leader of the church. they are not following the teachings of the bible.
let he who is without X cast the first stone
Actually, that is my exact sentiment, Duewell. I don't believe a person can be Christian and be shedding blood. I don't believe in American Imperialism -- and much less do I believe that a Christian should be on the battle fields doing the dirty work for the multi-billionaires and trillionaires of the earth.
Let's be clear about that.
Secondly, the post BEGAN this way, people got off-topic, and I wanted to steer it back to its place.
We're not casting stones, nor hating. Jesus was not averse to people confessing their sins (see: the Samaritan woman + all the people who had to confess their sins during the baptism of John, which is what "straightened the paths for the Lord" in preparation for His coming), though this was never considered casting stones. He even called the religious people (who THOUGHT THEY WERE RIGHT, and would not REPENT) a brood of vipers -- and that wasn't evil, either.
1. To GOD, it is a disgusting (abomination) act, and it "hurts" GOD. Just Adam's eating from a tree that God told Him not to eat from was enough to damn the entire human race. Who got hurt? Any humans? No; God was -- that is "Christianity"! You are talking about something more like humanism (the idea that everything revolves around humans, or the good of humans, or whether humans get hurt) -- and that is why you can't understand why a Christian cannot be a homosexual: you don't see that God is "hurt" when people sin. God is very saddened at sin --
GRIEVED at heart -- moreso than ANY "compassionate" human, since His heart is more tender!
Don't talk about "compassion" like you have a monopoly on it; we cannot compare the most tender and compassionate Heart of God. If you don't "feel" that something is wrong, it is not any indication that it isn't wrong; you just can't feel it, because we've all gone "past feeling" in our wickedness. Sociopaths feel no remorse; and, yet, that is not the barometer by which we gauge what is right and wrong -- humans' sentiments about rightness and wrongness change with the passing of time; but God's never will. His standard remains the same -- always has; always will.
2. Also, redefining marriage and obliterating religious freedom in the process hurts ALL the people who want the freedom to live according to their consciences (the ones losing religious freedom).
I hope this message is clear: it isn't about condemning people! It is about showing people what they should already know -- that 1) they are in sin; 2) the wrath of God is coming on sin 3) God has provided a way to make up for our sins, and to save us from His righteous indignation 4) if we refuse to accept that they are even sinning before God, 5) we can't even repent and accept God's salvation FROM SIN (not to continue in it) & the righteous wrath of God that is coming upon those "crimes". These crimes are, first of all, against God; not humans.