Well I have browsed through some of the comments here, and despite the fear of perhaps re-stating what someone else has already written here goes.
From a logical stand point, and agreeing with Broern on this very simple concept is, the man parts were made for the woman parts and visa versa. Sex has basically one purpose and that is to reproduce. Two men cannot reproduce, nor can two women. I think this generally can be agreed with, shutting out all other applications/implications of sex. Woman for man, man for woman. I think it can also be agreed that homosexuality is a sin. One sin, among many. Now, correct me if I'm wrong, but, sin, is sin, is sin, is sin, and at that, we've all sinned, and probably a majority of us on a daily basis.
I do not really believe any sin is greater or lesser than any other, a white lie for example is just as bad as any other lie, whether it be purple, blue, or green. A lie is a lie. Fornication I think can be seen in the same light, I don't care who it is with, fornication is fornication. Do I believe everyone who has ever fornicated or told a lie is going to hell? Personally, I do not. Yes some people are farther in their walk with God than others, but I don't think it's our place to question their salvation. A good deal of Christians have backslid at some point, please don't take this as I am condoning sin, or making excuses, but it is our job to try to live as Jesus did, but I would reach to say that the majority of the population has a rather hard time with that. Also has demonstrated so many times in the Bible, as well as said, God will meet you wherever you are in life, and work with you. Now, I don't believe in being told that our churches cannot preach against homosexuality, I do believe they need deliverance, but there's a lot of us who know God that need deliverance from something. It is pretty cut and dry on how salvation comes about, and from there, obedience spawned by simply loving the Lord.
Now with the previous statement that sin is sin is sin, I will use myself as an example. Addiction of any kind is a sin, smoking is a sin. I am a smoker. I am a sinner, not just for smoking but just as an example here. I have been praying for help and deliverance of the addiction. I am still smoking. I don't think I cannot walk with God, or pray, or hear Him because I smoke. I also don't believe anyone has the right to judge me or my salvation because I smoke.
Back to sin is sin is sin. Many of us sin on a daily basis without even thinking about it. We are, as Christians supposed to guard our thoughts are we not? And how many of us every day think something bad about someone else, even if its something as simple as the person who just cut us off in traffic. That bad thought alone is a sin. How many people do you think sin every day without knowing that it is a sin, that are Christians? Just using this stuff as examples.. I guess I just sit where yes, I know it is a sin, it is something that should be made aware of, everyone has sinned, if not sinning now, and who am I to say someone cannot be saved because of it? Our God is a loving God, and a forgiving God, granted you have to admit what you are doing is wrong and ask for that forgiveness, followed by repentance, but you don't know where they are in their life. Instead of judging, have faith that God is working with them, that God loves them, and pray that their hearts and minds are open to what He has to say.