It's funny that what's seen as "attractive" differs so much by culture. One of my white friends bought me a tube of sunless tanning cream, saying I needed it and that it would help "give me some color."
And yet, when I see my Korean sister-in-law and her mother... they talk very rapidly in Korean and point at me... then my sis-in-law kindly interprets that they are talking about my very pale skin tone (I turn bright screaming red in the sun as well), which they claim would be seen as "perfect" in Korea.
I was once talking to a (black) co-worker and a (white) fellow co-worker (the one who gave me the "You need to tan" cream) tried to join in, and so jokingly, I smiled at her and said, "OH NO, I'm sorry, this conversation is ONLY for us PEOPLE OF COLOR!!" They just looked at me and shook their heads.
Ok, Nuke, so you've seen Koreans in person... *yawns* But how about a DUTCH Korean???? (I just found out a few years ago that my adoptive last name is Dutch.) I guess I need to don a pair of wooden shoes to go with my chopsticks... (which I can't use at all--that's why they have the good old American fork and shovel, I mean, spoon. I always say, no wonder other Asians--not myself--are so tiny. You can only pick up like one grain of rice at a time with those sticks...)