Prayer can be many things. It can be simply repeating a memory verse, it can be a conversation with the Lord, or simply quietly listening for His voice. Another way of prayer is to be guided by a prayer given to us by the lord. The Lord’s Prayer is an example.
Here is way to use visualization with the Lord’s Prayer:
Our Father who art is heaven, hallowed be thy name: Psalms gives us pictures of the Father. He is spirit, creator, all powerful. Visualize what scripture tells of Him.
Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven: Visualize an earth with no sin in it!
Give us this day our daily bread: See the Lord as supervising what goes in our minds and our bodies.
Forgive us our debts: What power! Jesus is giving us righteousness that lets us live forever!
As we forgive our debtors: We let go of all our grudges against others.
Lead us not into temptation: We ask the Lord to help us want to be sinless.
Deliver us from evil: The Lord protects you from any evil that surrounds you.
For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory, Amen.
You get the idea, but your visualization will be guided by the Holy Spirit and it will be just for you. Also, reading many of the Psalms in this way opens up a wonderful spiritual world for you.
Here is way to use visualization with the Lord’s Prayer:
Our Father who art is heaven, hallowed be thy name: Psalms gives us pictures of the Father. He is spirit, creator, all powerful. Visualize what scripture tells of Him.
Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven: Visualize an earth with no sin in it!
Give us this day our daily bread: See the Lord as supervising what goes in our minds and our bodies.
Forgive us our debts: What power! Jesus is giving us righteousness that lets us live forever!
As we forgive our debtors: We let go of all our grudges against others.
Lead us not into temptation: We ask the Lord to help us want to be sinless.
Deliver us from evil: The Lord protects you from any evil that surrounds you.
For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory, Amen.
You get the idea, but your visualization will be guided by the Holy Spirit and it will be just for you. Also, reading many of the Psalms in this way opens up a wonderful spiritual world for you.
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