Your position is then, that God knew in advance that when HE gave man free will, that man was going to use their God given free will to murder, rape, rob, abuse, and commit every sin there is in the world.
Did God also knowing in advance of giving man free will which specific sins each man would commit?
When you have children........there comes a time when you have to let them go.
About '17-'22 yrs old.......usually....they will leave home and start their independent lives.
So, you raised them. You taught them. You loved them. You did all you could.
Then they go off and end up in jail.
They end up on Drugs or selling drugs.
They end up pregnant and unmarried.
They end up, wrong., often. at least for a while.
Sometimes they end up dead.
Whose fault is it, regarding what we do with our lives. ??????
Its your life.
And you get the life you CHOOSE.
God does not make this choice for you, Jerry.
How did you turn out?
Did you live a perfect life?
Did you ever fornicate, or lie, or cheat, or steal, or hate, or kill anyone?
Did you ever make your parents sorry you were born?
If you did any of that, and all the rest that you did.......God knew you would, and He didn't cause it.
That's 'free will".