Do we really think God is incapable of knowing our hearts?
Why do we lower God down to human nature. And not give him the credit he is due.
As David said, You KNEW me before my mothers womb..
God knows. He knew before time began, thats why he predestined us to be conformed to his image. Based on his knowledge.
Why do we lower God down to human nature. And not give him the credit he is due.
As David said, You KNEW me before my mothers womb..
God knows. He knew before time began, thats why he predestined us to be conformed to his image. Based on his knowledge.
Those that are of the OSAS view can fall into the "I don't have to do anything" mind set.
What was his last line? Do you not agree with this?
"People are looking for a cut and dried formula for salvation; but salvation isn't a formula, it's a relationship with God through the Lord Jesus."
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