Yeah sometimes us guys get this mental block concerning women. If we like her, sometimes we forget that OTHER women on the planet exist. So instead of looking outside of the ONE woman we like and going for another option, we just think if we try harder, the ONE will eventually come around. But eventually the LIGHT hits us and we realize there are tons of other women on the planet, so we move our attention and intentions outside of the ONE woman who is umm..obviously not showing interest.
He may be the same way right now. Maybe there is a way you can clear this mental block and help him realize other women besides you do exist? But yeah, you do need to be firmer with doctor nice.
Hey everyone, I appreciate your suggestions... if only they would work. This guy I'm talking about simply just does not get it. And he's not just fixated on me, he's basically just trying to get any girl he can to pay attention to him.
When he first asked me about dating and I said no, he moved on to a friend of mine, which is fine with me (she's much more gutsy than I am when it comes to blatantly saying things someone doesn't want to hear--she thoroughly cussed him out when he started stalking her) but he just brushed it off as a bad mood and started right up again. (He has a very strong-willed mother and sister so he's used to seeing women go through bad moods and phases. And I work with him so it's not like I can avoid him altogether.)
Next, he moved on to almost every single girl involved in my old church's youth group, one at a time. They all refused him flat. He even went so far as to buying a huge, honkin' diamond ring and asking one girl to marry him this past mother's day because her daughter adored him and he thought they could have a family together (even though, as I pointed out to him, this girl had NEVER even agreed to dating him, let alone saying she loved him or talk about marriage.) But he won't listen... I think he thinks he can swoon/win a girl over with sweet gestures... I tried to tell him he's going to get a reputation as a guy who treats women like Flavors of the Month even though he has good intentions and treats them well... but have come to the conclusion that he just has to learn on his own.
He keeps coming back to try again with me because I'm the only girl he's stalked who tries to confront him about what he's doing wrong and is still his friend--the others (who are probably much wiser than I am) shut him out completely and stop talking to him.
When I see some people here who are like, "I want a boyfriend/girlfriend NOW," I wish them the best and God's blessings in their search, but please, just don't turn into anything remotely like this, please!!!
Any additional advice is welcome (if I tried your suggestions, Sharp, he'd just offer to do my laundry--by hand--and if the "gastrointestinal" measures were used... seriously... he'd probably be like, "Oh, that's nothing... check THIS out!") but I didn't mean to make this thread all about me--sorry!!
Please, keep sharing your own thoughts and experiences!