Hey Everyone,
* Do you find yourself being attracted to people, features, or traits that other people make fun of you for?
* For instance, have you ever found yourself crushing on someone who seemed "unlikely" or, if you told someone about it, resulted in people saying, "What on earth do you see in that person?" (I actually got the idea for this thread by reading a post from someone who was describing this very scenario.)
* Are there popular celebrities or people that everyone else goes gaga over, but for some reason, you're just not attracted to them?
Then this is the thread for you!
Here are some suggested points for this discussion. Feel free to tell us about things such as:
* A time when everyone else was attracted to X, but you were attracted to Y instead, and everyone thought you were crazy.
* Traits and characteristics you might like that others don't seem to understand.
* People you have dated/relationships in which you went against the grain of what others thought was attractive, and how did it turn out?
Here's my own example.
One day at work, a couple of the girls were talking about how attractive they find Channing Tatum (I'm including a picture for anyone who might not know who he is -- he's a Hollywood actor.)
Now there's no doubt that on a base level, Mr. Tatum is attractive according to today's cultural standards -- I won't try to deny that. But I was trying to explain that I've never found him attractive partially because he's been in movies such as Magic Mike (which is about male strippers, which I have NO interest in at all,) and I've read articles in which he has described his ongoing struggle with alcoholism and trying to remain in a state of being "a functional alcoholic." And all the girls thought I was nuts.
I must add a disclaimer here in that I have a great amount of sympathy for anyone dealing with addiction (as I've written openly that I feel I struggle with food addiction,) but when it comes to attraction and a possible relationship, I'm all about personality and character. Seeing as I've had experience dating someone who struggled with an addiction, it's not something I would be around by choice again except as trying to be a supportive (but non-enabling) friend.
I've never been attracted to party boys. When I was younger, these were usually the popular, good-looking guys that the girls most chased after, but it was never my scene.
Pretty much every guy I've ever been attracted to was like me - they had been mercilessly made fun of for this or that in their life, but they still kept going. The guys I am almost always attracted to are almost always some kind of underdog, because one of my favorite things in the world is to see an underdog get his day. I've never been into smoking, drinking, or drugs, but oddly enough, as I get older, I tend to attract that type because I guess they think I will somehow make them stable or am responsible enough to make up for any slack they have in their life.
Admittedly, I have tried in the past -- and have seen over and over that I fail miserably in that situation.
Therefore, I'm sticking to what I know and love best in a guy -- responsibility, no attraction to substances (and gets made fun of because of it, being accused of "not being able to have a good time", hard-working, pays the bills on time, and lives a relatively quiet but still immensely interesting life (I can find myself interested in most everything about a person with an interesting outlook.) I love it when a guy has faced immense opposition, but stands his ground for the things he believes in.
I know to most people, this would spell B-O-R-I-N-G, but in all honesty, that's what I am, too (boring to the core!) and I know it works for me. I also love quirky features and supposed "imperfections" (that are actually perfect on the the people that have them) such as a crooked smile, a couple of teeth that are longer than the others (providing he isn't actually a vampire, of course. No Team Edwards here!!!,) hair that's just a little naturally messy, and a body type that says, "I live my life to the best of the abilities that God has given me but don't make it everything."
As a result, I would often have crushes that others didn't understand, but that's why I'm attracted to these certain traits -- my crush has most likely been made fun of all his life, too -- and he just doesn't care, because he knows who God wants him to be, and that's what matters most to him.
So I've told you all about me.
Now I would like to know about you!
Please tell us about your unconventional crush choices, why you have them, and what has happened a result of "going against the grain."
I'm looking forward to reading your stories!
* Do you find yourself being attracted to people, features, or traits that other people make fun of you for?
* For instance, have you ever found yourself crushing on someone who seemed "unlikely" or, if you told someone about it, resulted in people saying, "What on earth do you see in that person?" (I actually got the idea for this thread by reading a post from someone who was describing this very scenario.)
* Are there popular celebrities or people that everyone else goes gaga over, but for some reason, you're just not attracted to them?
Then this is the thread for you!
Here are some suggested points for this discussion. Feel free to tell us about things such as:
* A time when everyone else was attracted to X, but you were attracted to Y instead, and everyone thought you were crazy.
* Traits and characteristics you might like that others don't seem to understand.
* People you have dated/relationships in which you went against the grain of what others thought was attractive, and how did it turn out?
Here's my own example.
One day at work, a couple of the girls were talking about how attractive they find Channing Tatum (I'm including a picture for anyone who might not know who he is -- he's a Hollywood actor.)
Now there's no doubt that on a base level, Mr. Tatum is attractive according to today's cultural standards -- I won't try to deny that. But I was trying to explain that I've never found him attractive partially because he's been in movies such as Magic Mike (which is about male strippers, which I have NO interest in at all,) and I've read articles in which he has described his ongoing struggle with alcoholism and trying to remain in a state of being "a functional alcoholic." And all the girls thought I was nuts.
I must add a disclaimer here in that I have a great amount of sympathy for anyone dealing with addiction (as I've written openly that I feel I struggle with food addiction,) but when it comes to attraction and a possible relationship, I'm all about personality and character. Seeing as I've had experience dating someone who struggled with an addiction, it's not something I would be around by choice again except as trying to be a supportive (but non-enabling) friend.
I've never been attracted to party boys. When I was younger, these were usually the popular, good-looking guys that the girls most chased after, but it was never my scene.
Pretty much every guy I've ever been attracted to was like me - they had been mercilessly made fun of for this or that in their life, but they still kept going. The guys I am almost always attracted to are almost always some kind of underdog, because one of my favorite things in the world is to see an underdog get his day. I've never been into smoking, drinking, or drugs, but oddly enough, as I get older, I tend to attract that type because I guess they think I will somehow make them stable or am responsible enough to make up for any slack they have in their life.
Admittedly, I have tried in the past -- and have seen over and over that I fail miserably in that situation.
Therefore, I'm sticking to what I know and love best in a guy -- responsibility, no attraction to substances (and gets made fun of because of it, being accused of "not being able to have a good time", hard-working, pays the bills on time, and lives a relatively quiet but still immensely interesting life (I can find myself interested in most everything about a person with an interesting outlook.) I love it when a guy has faced immense opposition, but stands his ground for the things he believes in.
I know to most people, this would spell B-O-R-I-N-G, but in all honesty, that's what I am, too (boring to the core!) and I know it works for me. I also love quirky features and supposed "imperfections" (that are actually perfect on the the people that have them) such as a crooked smile, a couple of teeth that are longer than the others (providing he isn't actually a vampire, of course. No Team Edwards here!!!,) hair that's just a little naturally messy, and a body type that says, "I live my life to the best of the abilities that God has given me but don't make it everything."
As a result, I would often have crushes that others didn't understand, but that's why I'm attracted to these certain traits -- my crush has most likely been made fun of all his life, too -- and he just doesn't care, because he knows who God wants him to be, and that's what matters most to him.
So I've told you all about me.
Please tell us about your unconventional crush choices, why you have them, and what has happened a result of "going against the grain."
I'm looking forward to reading your stories!
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