The Bible does talk about related things. What we are seeing is a confrontation between the "Old New World Order" and the "New New World Order."
The Old NWO is the West, with America (Mystery Babylon) at the center. The leadership of this bloc are Luciferians. I am not being figurative.
The NWO needs a "bad guy" in order to continue consolidating their power and influence. They have made Russia into that bad guy and backed Putin into a corner.
In the Scriptures, we see that the Whore of Babylon at first rides upon the Terrible Horned Beast, but then the Terrible Beast turns, burns her with fire, and devours her flesh.
This is a shift in power from one world system to another.
What is the Terrible Horned Beast of Revelation? It is a coalition of Eastern powers that will one day become the Antichrist's kingdom. Russia will be at the head of this coalition for a time.
I think it is a near certainty now that Russia and China are going to form an alliance and become the core of that Eastern coalition of powers. Ironically, once they destroy the Whore of Babylon - America - this rising Eastern bloc will become the New New World Order, just as corrupt, in time, as the Old NWO, more overtly militaristic, more overtly anti-Christian.