Humans think and believe that we are who we are based upon our own development. Totally incorrect. God is in total control and creates us to be who we are. Here is but one of many examples:
Tanakh: "God made all four of these young men intelligent and proficient in all writings and wisdom, and Daniel had understanding of visions and dreams of all kinds?"
As you say, all Glory goes to God!
Tanakh: "God made all four of these young men intelligent and proficient in all writings and wisdom, and Daniel had understanding of visions and dreams of all kinds?"
As you say, all Glory goes to God!
I am a high school drop out, and also a college drop out after one year... I was totally lost, and casting about, and quite wounded I might add, with no help in sight, but there was one thing on my radar I knew for sure: I wanted to work in a photo lab. Long story short (I shall hasten to the punchline LOL) = my first photo lab job was there, where my pics as a ten year old had been printed. Turns out there were only two labs in my home town, and I heard bad things about the other one, so I did not even apply there. I had to apply at the one I wanted to work at numerous times. They kept turning me away because I "had no experience." They finally succumbed to my persistence
Over the next forty four years I worked in only two other labs. I was 38 years at my last job when covid and cancer coincided, and got me laid off. I had just turned 65 and was not planning to retire, but I will tell you quite honestly: as much as I loved what I did for a living, I do not miss going to work. I started on my 21st birthday and finished two weeks after turning 65. Wow. God's timing is impeccable. I was not a believer when I began my profession, but I did always consider my getting that job and starting on my 21st birthday as a gift from "the Spirit of the Universe."
I do believe I was perfectly set up to do what I do now. I have seen tens of millions of pictures. My job was not just printing, but color correcting and also spotting, and then when digital came in, I learned remedial things in Photoshop, which is the program I use to design my collages. Handling so many pictures is very much like what I have to do as I am searching out the elements I use, because I may literally look at a thousand images to save just a few that I think I might have use for.
Thank you for always being so appreciative of my efforts in this regard
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